Dear reandom person that can hopefully help me,
For the past few weeks, I've been working and working trying to fix my TS3 server. I've set up a brand new server, made everything ready, set up my ports on my wifi's settings panel, but nothing works! I can only connect by typing localhost or the ip while on my wifi, but I can't do it anywhere else.
Here's the details:
TS3 Server Program Info:
Ports I Set Up:
1. Range: 9987-9987 - UDP - Host Port: 9987
2. Range: 10011-10011 - TCP - Host: 10011
3. Range: 30033-30033 - TCP - Host: 30033
TS3 Client:
-Qt Version: 5.5.0
Here's my WiFi/Router Info:
Manufacturer: Motorola
Model #: NVG589
Thanks in advance!
Ports Aren't Working?
For the past few weeks, I've been working and working trying to fix my TS3 server. I've set up a brand new server, made everything ready, set up my ports on my wifi's settings panel, but nothing works! I can only connect by typing localhost or the ip while on my wifi, but I can't do it anywhere else.
Here's the details:
TS3 Server Program Info:
Ports I Set Up:
1. Range: 9987-9987 - UDP - Host Port: 9987
2. Range: 10011-10011 - TCP - Host: 10011
3. Range: 30033-30033 - TCP - Host: 30033
TS3 Client:
-Qt Version: 5.5.0
Here's my WiFi/Router Info:
Manufacturer: Motorola
Model #: NVG589
Thanks in advance!
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