samedi 27 février 2016

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Does CNAME work with Teamspeak?

lundi 15 février 2016

I have rented a TS server through Multiplay and I have been provided a host name.
I have rented a domain name from

If I set up a CNAME in my control panel will that work, allowing people to connect to TS using my new domain?

I set CNAME <host name provided by multiplay>

I have searched the forums but people mention Service records which I didn't think I needed using CNAME.
Does CNAME work with Teamspeak?

Linux Mint, Invisible ClientUI

Dear Support, Members, Experts,

When starting, there is no gui visible. It is possible to connect to the client with telnet, but I don't believe its the way its intended.

Used commands: ./

Log/Console output:
2016-02-15 12:35:34.214087|INFO | | |TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-10-22 11:14:48)
2016-02-15 12:35:34.214242|INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2016-02-15 12:35:34.214316|INFO | | |Using hardware aes
2016-02-15 12:35:34.232687|DEBUG |PulseAudio | |connected to pulse audio server
2016-02-15 12:35:34.254196|INFO | | |Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin
2016-02-15 12:35:34.254278|INFO | | |Loading plugin: liblua_plugin
2016-02-15 12:35:34.254310|INFO | | |Loading plugin: libtest_plugin
2016-02-15 12:35:34.255341|INFO |Query | |listening on
ClientQueryPlugin: currentServerConnectionChanged 1 (0)
2016-02-15 12:35:34.413269|INFO | | |*** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 138
2016-02-15 12:35:34.413394|INFO | | |*** Time [INIT]: 139
2016-02-15 12:35:34.415585|INFO |ClientUI | |Failed to init text to speech engine
2016-02-15 12:35:34.415659|INFO |ClientUI | |Qt version: 5.5.0
2016-02-15 12:35:34.415694|INFO |ClientUI | |Using configuration location: /home/alexandrus/.ts3client/settings.db
2016-02-15 12:35:34.914582|INFO |ClientUI | |Last update check was: Mo. Feb. 15 13:33:50 2016
2016-02-15 12:35:34.914804|INFO |ClientUI | |Checking for update
2016-02-15 12:35:34.930834|INFO |Update | |Checking for updates... QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
2016-02-15 12:35:35.034736|INFO |Update | |Check license version: 1
2016-02-15 12:35:35.036168|INFO |LicenseViewer | |License language: de
2016-02-15 12:35:35.036389|INFO |LicenseViewer | |Found cached license for version 1 and language de
2016-02-15 12:35:35.425061|INFO |Newsticker | |Newsticker next check: Mo. Feb. 15 13:37:27 2016
2016-02-15 12:36:40.869897|WARNING |Copy&Paste | |HTML parsing error: Überzähliger Inhalt nach Ende des Dokuments.
2016-02-15 12:36:41.749660|WARNING |Copy&Paste | |HTML parsing error: Vorzeitiges Ende des Dokuments.
2016-02-15 12:36:43.262088|WARNING |Copy&Paste | |HTML parsing error: Vorzeitiges Ende des Dokuments.

Operating system: Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Kernel 3.13.0-37-generic, x86_64
Teamspeak installation: Using
Window Manager: IceWM

Is there a way to switch this to verbose, see some issues in the QT initialization maybe?

Regards and Thanks

Linux Mint, Invisible ClientUI

[Request]Reply message received on channel

Hello boys,

I am new to the forum, again with programming, so would like a help of experienced people in this forum.
Would I like a plugin/script that detects one message on one specific channel and respond with a message I choose.

I found this, but it does not understand the correct:


local function onTextMessageEvent(serverConnectionHandlerID, targetMode, toID, fromID, fromName, fromUniqueIdentifier, message, ffIgnored)
        local csatorna = ts3.getChannelOfClient(serverConnectionHandlerID, fromID)

                if string.find(string.lower(message), "take") then
                        ts3.requestSendChannelTextMsg(serverConnectionHandlerID, "Taken", csatorna)
                        return 0

I just change the channel name "csatorna" for my channel (Justera), and change the mesage "Take" for my mesage (Respawn list reset.)?

Local Justera = ts3.getChannelOfClient (serverConnectionHandlerID, fromID)

if string.find (string.lower (message), "Respawn list reset.") then

And replacing the word "Taken," for my message (! Respawn 89)?

Substitute csatorna to Justera TS Bot, which is the channel to which I must respond.

ts3.requestSendChannelTextMsg (serverConnectionHandlerID, "89! respawn" Justera TS Bot)

getting well:


local function onTextMessageEvent(serverConnectionHandlerID, targetMode, toID, fromID, fromName, fromUniqueIdentifier, message, ffIgnored)
        local Justera = ts3.getChannelOfClient(serverConnectionHandlerID, fromID)

                if string.find(string.lower(message), "Respawn list resetada.") then
                        ts3.requestSendChannelTextMsg(serverConnectionHandlerID, "!respawn 89", Justera TS Bot)
                        return 0


Click image for larger version.  Name: exemplo.png  Views: 0  Size: 182.6 KB  ID: 13545

I want to answer in a different channel than the wrath message arrives.:D
Attached Images
[Request]Reply message received on channel

php protected object

hello guys i need help..
PHP Code:

$group $ts3Server->serverGroupGetById($value['sgid']);

$group->privilegeKeyList()  as $k => $v)
$items[$k]['token'] = $k;
$items[$k]['token_type'] = $v['token_type'];
$items[$k]['token_id1'] = $v['token_id1'];
$items[$k]['token_id2'] = $v['token_id2'];
$items[$k]['token_created'] = $v['token_created'];
$items[$k]['desc'] = $v['token_description'];

but in array token_desciption is "protected" can't get it ....
PHP Code:

Array (
FynAH89SYf91WLwV6+s158I3CxuqDVayjXFHWFV7] =>
Array (
token] => FynAH89SYf91WLwV6+58I3CxuqDVayjXFHWFV7
[token_type] => 0
[token_id1] => 636
[token_id2] => 0
[token_created] => 1455477219
[desc] => TeamSpeak3_Helper_String Object ( [string:protected] => test [position:protected] => )

How can do to get it to non protected :) Thank's for help
php protected object

Starting Server on Windows boot up automatically

I know that to do this on windows 7 it was as simple as adding a shortcut for the server to the startup menu, and boom your server would start with windows. However I can't seem to find any tutorials on how to do this for Windows 10, would really appreciate some help!
Starting Server on Windows boot up automatically

Logitech G430

I got my new logitech g430 headset which i connect to my pc using USB and all other sound comes through my headset except teamspeak 3 which comes out my monitor speakers. I went on playback and set it to my headsets but it still didnt work and my mic wont work. How do i configure teamspeak to work through my headset so i can hear and speak.
Logitech G430

Friend's mic has static but only for me

Basically, when my friend speaks, his voice starts crackling but only for me. None of my other friends have this problem with them and I don't have this problem with any other friend, just this one friend.

Does anyone have a fix?
Friend's mic has static but only for me

If Teamspeak is online, no sounds in Windows

Good evening.
I have a problem.
Whenever I start TeamSpeak I hear no sounds in Windows.
Even if I make music, I do not hear any sounds.

Once anyone speaks in TeamSpeak, I hear my music player.

Furthermore, I can not watch videos on YouTube. No clips on Facebook. It starts no video or no music.
When I run a PC game, there is no sounds are heard.

What I've Tried?
- TS reinstalled
- All possible output and input devices which I need not disabled.
- All possible sound settings tested.

Once I finish TeamSpeak, everything is working normally.

Does anyone have an idea what I can try?
If Teamspeak is online, no sounds in Windows

Failed to connect to server

Hi i have a problem with the TS3 server.
I can connect from inside my own network, but not from outside.
I have opened the necesary ports on my router, and checked to make sure they are open.
But i still cant connect on my external ip. I have tried turning off firewall and malwarebytes, no luck there.
This is my client log when i try to connect, not very helpful though.

Hope you can help me, because i am out of answers now.
Failed to connect to server

On Todo Server crashes (virtualserverbase.cpp:2381)

Error connected with filetransfer

2016-02-13 22:33:16.849859|CRITICAL|VirtualServerBase| 1| Assertion "connectionPtr != __null" failed at server/serverlib/virtualserverbase.cpp:2381;

2016-02-13 22:38:57.044051|CRITICAL|VirtualServerBase| 1| Assertion "connectionPtr != __null" failed at server/serverlib/virtualserverbase.cpp:2381;
On Todo Server crashes (virtualserverbase.cpp:2381)

Change Admin Query password


Can anybody please provide me a step by step guide on how to change the admin query password on mac osx el capitan. I forgot the password generated at the first server start.

thank you
Change Admin Query password

Server Querry | Can't add permission to server admin group

Hello, I removed the permission b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions but it was a mistake.
I can't add it back with putty because I keep getting error: msg=insufficient\spermission\smodify\spower
I just want to add the permission back please help! :(
Server Querry | Can't add permission to server admin group

Somebody totally screwed the permission system

I took away this guys yesterday and he got his friend to add them back while I was away. When I got back on this morning, I saw that he had all the groups back, but now I cant remove them

What can I do to take them away/ fix this whole mess?
Somebody totally screwed the permission system

TS3 permissions experts, i need help with guest/guild/officer settings.

i think i have it mostly setup correctly. but i think i need help/clarification with my group permissions.

Lobby default, 0 join power needed, 25 talk needed. so its muted if a guest/pug joins.

Sub room in lobby "Raids with guests" 25 join needed 0 talk needed. so a pug can be moved there to talk, but cannot get in there freely.

all other rooms 25 join 25 talk
officer room 70 join 70 talk

i have 3 server groups. then me as admin with 75 power can do whatever obviously.

guest - 0 power. setup so cant do anything but talk in raids room. cannot move anywhere from lobby. all group modify permissions removed. this means they cant do anything with groups correct?

Guild member - 25 power. i want members to be able to move guests but not officers, so if they are playing with a guest they can move the guest to the raid room. But i do not want them to be able to add a guest/give them guild member group permissions.

Officers - 70 power. i want them to be able to move guests and guild members, can change a guest to a guild member, but cannot change a guest or guild member to officer permissions.

so i think i need help with the group modify settings to make sure it is correct.

first question to clarify, if a permission is removed/grayed out that means they cannot do it? example, group modify power, and needed modify power permission removed, means they cannot edit the group, or does it mean they can edit the group because there is no needed permission applied?

second question, what exactly does group modify power do? if i just want officers to change guests to members, no one except me as admin needs modify group permissions correct?

guests - group modify section.
- everything is grayed out, all permissions removed. assuming this will still let officers change guests to a member. and their needed move power is 0, so anyone can move a guest.

guild members.
- group modify, and needed permissions removed.
- group add permission removed
- group member add needed 70
- member remove permission removed
- member remove needed power 70
- client move power 0, so they can move guests.
- client needed move is 70, so only officers can move them
^^^ this should let members move guests, but not add them to guild member group. and let officers add guests to the members group and change members to guests?

- group modify, and needed permissions removed.
- member add power 70, needed 75
- member remove power 70, needed 75
- move power 70, needed 75
- kick power 70, needed 75
- ban power 70, needed 75
this lets them change guests to members, move kick ban anyone.

are these settings correct? i do not want officers to make other guild members officers.

tried to be thorough, any questions ask, but simply put. i want

1 - guests isolated until upgraded to member - i think this is setup correctly.

2 - members/officers to be able to move guests to the raid room to talk - i think this is setup correctly.

3 - this is the one i need clarification on. - officers able to upgrade guests to members, but not upgrade anyone to officer group. as admin, i want to be the only one to choose who are the officers.

all groups have had permission modify power removed., i do not want anyone changing the permissions except me.

Thank you for any help, it is appreciated, i am trial and error testing as ppl are able to log on to TS, but would like an experts review of my setup.
TS3 permissions experts, i need help with guest/guild/officer settings.

Help setting up ts3 server on centos os

dimanche 14 février 2016

Help please, every time I try to do ./ createinifile=1
I get Permission Denied.
Please Help I just bought a vpn for teamspeak and I dont want to waste my money
I can't get this thing working
Help setting up ts3 server on centos os

If Teamspeak is online, no sounds in Windows.

Good evening.
I have a problem.
Whenever I start TeamSpeak I hear no sounds in Windows.
Even if I make music, I do not hear any sounds.

Once anyone speaks in TeamSpeak, I hear my music player.

Furthermore, I can not watch videos on YouTube. No clips on Facebook. It starts no video or no music.
When I run a PC game, there is no sounds are heard.

What I've Tried?
- TS reinstalled
- All possible output and input devices which I need not disabled.
- All possible sound settings tested.

Once I finish TeamSpeak, everything is working normally.

Does anyone have an idea what I can try?
If Teamspeak is online, no sounds in Windows.

Unable to load database plugin

So when I start my Teamspeak 3 server with ./ start I get this

2016-02-14 17:20:01.106025|CRITICAL|DatabaseQuery | | unable to load database plugin library "", halting!

It's been running fine for months and suddenly this happens

When I do ./ts3server_linux_x86 or ./

2016-02-14 17:23:46.138931|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.11 (2014-09-29 15:33:46)
2016-02-14 17:23:46.139115|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | SystemInformation: Linux 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 18 14:48:24 CET 2014 x86_64 Binary: 32bit
2016-02-14 17:23:46.139184|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | Using hardware aes
2016-02-14 17:23:46.139459|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | Please make sure you use the supplied to run the server, or set LD_LIBRARY_PATH yourself
2016-02-14 17:23:46.139530|CRITICAL|DatabaseQuery | | unable to load database plugin library "", halting!
Unable to load database plugin

critical payment error

samedi 13 février 2016

i am getting a critical payment error after i open the teamspeak 3 application on my phone, i have tried restarting, but that didnt help me out...

help me pls :confused:
critical payment error

Not able to import Identity Android 6.0.1 Nexus 5

Hi, I'm a new user in TeamSpeak Android. I purchased the Android version yesterday, the version

I exported my identity from my PC.

When I try to import my identity, the Android TeamSpeak see the file and try to import but nothing happen and the importing display just freeze.

I notice the first time I start the application, it ask for permission and at the end, it says missing permission.

I goes to apps settings, force stop, permissions and reset (Microphone, Stockage, Phone) and restart the application.

Same, still cant import the identity file.

I also notice there is no data folder for TeamSpeak in the phone /Android/Data/

My phone is a Nexus 5 version 6.0.1
Not able to import Identity Android 6.0.1 Nexus 5

[Request] Channeljoin plugin

I search a plugin for joining channels with command.

I image something like "/joinchannel [id] [passwort]"
I have searched a lot but I couldn´t find anything.
[Request] Channeljoin plugin

Installing Plugins problem

I've just recently started my own teamspeak server to talk with some friends, and I wanted to install the musicbot or soundboard plugin so we could listen to some music while playing some games.
But when installing the plugins, I encountered some problems:

  • QtGui4.dll
  • MSVCR110.dll
  • Plugins not working

The first two are basically some errors that occur whenever I open my teamspeak, but teamspeak works just fine.

But when I wanted to load my plugin, this message occurs:
Click image for larger version.  Name: Knipsel.PNG  Views: 1  Size: 70.8 KB  ID: 13532

And the plugins don't work at all.

Does someone know what those QtQui4.dll and MSVCR110.dll messages mean?
And can someone help me solve the plugin problem?

Please don't use too much technical talk because I really don't understand much of the teamspeak3 programme since I only started using it recently.

Thanks in advance,
Attached Images
Installing Plugins problem

Server crashes


server crashes, version
running on linux.


|CRITICAL|VirtualServerBase|1  |Assertion "connectionPtr != __null" failed at ../../../../s/deps/teamspeak_server_lib/src/ts_server/virtualserverbase.cpp:2497;
Server crashes

Welcome Back Sound

Hey, i heard in a TeamSpeak 3 Remix, a Welcome Back sound. Where can i get it from o: ? I havn't found it in the TS3 files.
Welcome Back Sound

Backup Servers?

Is it possible to backup servers?
It's a pain to redo all my servers for a fresh install.
Backup Servers?

Filetransfer exploit?

I have disabled filetransfer for normal users. At that time I was running server version . Since I got no answers when googleing for this error I thought, might as well post about it here. Maybe it hasn't been fixed in the newer version.
This was in my logs before the server crashed. Didn't think it was an attack at that time


2016-02-12 20:45:20.618765|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:20.625791|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:20.635050|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:20.711667|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:20.759764|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:20.888117|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:21.309319|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:21.562294|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor
2016-02-12 20:45:21.707894|ERROR  |FileManager  |  | select() failed Bad file descriptor

Since i was SSH-d into my vps I had server running up again almost instantly. Then i saw that the new logfile was abnormally large.
It had the same error but 12000 lines of it, after the server had been running for only ~2 mins.
Cause of this attack there were 3.5k+ processes running(I guess every filetransfer makes a new thread). My CPU spiked to 100% usage at times. This is the packet the attacker was sending (removed just in case)
I have a tcpdump file from the time of attack. If devs want to take a look at it PM me.
Filetransfer exploit?

Limit virtual server space

vendredi 12 février 2016

It would be very nice if TeamSpeak included the feature to limit the file transfer space of a virtualserver. Not just upload and download quota, also to set a hardlimit.
Limit virtual server space

Lost identity files

Well basically, I've sold my previous computer and had to wipe out every inch of data.
Unfortunately I forgot to extract my identity files and I cannot restore them on my new pc.
Although, I have the identity saved in my iPhone 5.

Is there a way to extract it from there? It's the only solution I have left. This identity means a lot to me, I've been using it since 2011. I have a lot of permissions in different servers, I'd hate to lose that.

Thanks in advance.
Lost identity files

Latest server release dies unexpected after 13 minutes


I've just updated a Test server successful, but the server always dies after ~13 minutes.


Originally Posted by TS3 Client server log
<20:18:36> Connected to server: "TeamSpeak ]I[ Server"
<20:31:03> Connection lost

The instance log file does not show anything regarding this unexpected shutdown:

2016-02-12 19:19:19.801950|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |  |TeamSpeak 3 Server (2016-02-08 15:34:38)
2016-02-12 19:19:19.802002|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |  |SystemInformation: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3~deb8u1 (2015-04-24) x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2016-02-12 19:19:19.802032|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |  |Using hardware aes
2016-02-12 19:19:19.812427|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |  |dbPlugin name:    MariaDB plugin, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2016-02-12 19:19:19.812478|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |  |dbPlugin version: 1
2016-02-12 19:19:19.820042|INFO    |SQL          |  |database updated successfully to revision: 24
2016-02-12 19:19:19.820882|WARNING |Accounting    |  |Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
2016-02-12 19:19:20.910168|INFO    |              |  |Puzzle precompute time: 1087
2016-02-12 19:19:20.910271|INFO    |FileManager  |  |listening on
2016-02-12 19:19:20.953238|INFO    |CIDRManager  |  |updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,
2016-02-12 19:19:20.953341|INFO    |Query        |  |listening on

The virtual server log does only show this:

2016-02-12 19:19:20.953145|INFO    |VirtualServer |1  |listening on

$ ./ start found, but no server running. Possibly your previously started server crashed
Please view the logfile for details.
Starting the TeamSpeak 3 server
TeamSpeak 3 server started, for details please view the log file

The file does still exists, but the process has been killed/stopped.

I'm using Debian 8.0 with kernel 3.16.0-4-amd64.

Is there a bug in the Hotfix version
Latest server release dies unexpected after 13 minutes

Help, How to create a group where I can't get removed from

So I basicly own a Server and it's a friends/clan server and because Im a good friend I gave admin to my real life friends so basicly they can remove me from server admin and kick/ban me from the server, so i'd like to create a group like a "GOD" group (idk rly) in which my real life friends can't remove me from. If it isn't asking much, Thank you.
Help, How to create a group where I can't get removed from

Groups bug

Everything was good but now when guest join to server he can delete me from server admin group admin too admin can delete admin i dont know why permissions are set right . Name: ts3.png Views: 5 Size: 82.8 KB
Attached Images
Groups bug

Can no longer find server

Ive been playing on an Arma server that require ts for about 3 months now. Yesterday I wasn't able to connect via ip or connect via server list. The server no longer appears on the server list and I know it is still up because I was talking with some of the guys that I played with about it. The server is Devil Dogs Roundup [/B](not sure if Devil Dog is one word on that server) and the ip is Please help
Can no longer find server

Teamspeak client won't start

I’ve had to replace my Hard drive & replaced it with SSD. With my old hard drive Teamspeak 3 ran good. Now with the change every time I click to start Teamspeak 3 nothing. It’s not starting, no Teamspeak in the icon tray & it’s not showing in the Task manager applications. I’ve uninstalled & resinstalled 6 times now & nothing seems to work. I’ve spent hours on here trying to find a fix & have noticed I’m not the only 1 with this problem. But I don’t see very many suggestions on how to fix the issue. Any help to fix this issue would be much appreciated.

Here is my PC setup if any of this helps. Thanks
Board: MSI 970 Gaming AM3+
VGA: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB 128-Bit GDDR5
PSU: CORSAIR TX Series CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V v2.3
CPU: AMD FX-8350 Black Edition Vishera 8-Core 4.0 GHz (4.2 GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 125W
MEM: PNY Anarchy DDR3 16GB(2X8GB Modules) 1600MHz
HDD/SSD: 500GB Samsung 850Evo SSD 3D NAND FLASH
Keyboard: Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard USB
Mouse: RAZER Naga Hex Wired USB Gaming Mouse
OS: Windows 7 64bit Professional
Teamspeak client won't start

Other way to buy?

Am not able to pay through google play,is there any other way to buy?
Also is it just that version I am buying or can I upgrade when a new version is released?

Other way to buy?

Change Icon ID of client

Hi folks,
short question. Is there any way to change the icon of another client (not my icon).
If so, do I have to flush the icon? If I won't flush it, would I see the icon but the others not?
Change Icon ID of client

Odd mouse conflict with Saitek x52 Pro and TS

So I've been having an odd conflict with TS3 for a while now, when I have the TS client running and I'm playing certain games there is a chance the moue corner will go to the top left corner of the screen with such 'force' that I can only move it back a few cm if I yank on the mouse.
The 'fix' is to touch the little mouse joystick on the x52 throttle quadrant, after that it'll stay normal for anywhere between 1 to 5 minutes before acting up again.
This only happens with TS active, I already tried increasing the deadzone on the little joystick as I hardly ever use it but that had no effect.

Anyone any ideas what might be happening ?

This is on Win7 64bit with the latest TS client (and all versions for the past year and a half that I've started to use TS and had this joystick)
Odd mouse conflict with Saitek x52 Pro and TS

Failed to connect to server

So yeah, I'm always getting this error after I've changed my router.
I made sure I'm correctly port forwarding the 9987 port (UDP) but it still gives me the error.
I even used the port checker from and it said the port is open.
I tried to connect with both, the No-IP host and the real IP of the server.
What's wrong?
Failed to connect to server

Teamspeak3 client crashes (newsticker received for language)

Hi guys, I need your help.

Just a put in my team speak a new NPL, but Teamspeak3 client crashes every hour. I dont have any idea about Newsticker check.Any idea? Thanks a lot for your suport!!

12/02/2016 09:04:37 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: vi. feb. 12 10:04:37 2016
12/02/2016 09:04:47 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: vi. feb. 12 10:04:37 2016
12/02/2016 09:04:48 Newsticker Info Newsticker not found for language es
12/02/2016 09:04:48 Newsticker Info Newsticker received for language es, expires on vi. feb. 12 10:34:48 2016, next check in 1800 seconds
12/02/2016 09:15:33 Info Memory usage: 58.81 MiB
12/02/2016 09:30:33 Info Memory usage: 63.68 MiB
12/02/2016 09:34:48 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: vi. feb. 12 10:34:48 2016
12/02/2016 09:34:48 Newsticker Info Newsticker not found for language es
12/02/2016 09:34:49 Newsticker Info Newsticker received for language es, expires on vi. feb. 12 11:04:48 2016, next check in 1800 seconds
Teamspeak3 client crashes (newsticker received for language)

Can't open teamspeak in linux.


So i have installed and uninstalled teamspeak3 client about 3 times always happens the same thing.

When i open, it appears like 2 windows, but i cant really see the window, only the borders.

Any help?

Print screen:
Can't open teamspeak in linux.

Toolbar Separator

jeudi 11 février 2016

Well I have searched and search, made changes to the whole bluesky theme and I have not found what line it is to make the Toolbar Separators (Spacers) or whatever its called what the line is can someone help me with this matter please I want my separators back for my skin. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Toolbar Separator

Can I connect to ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2 server with the TS3 windows client?

Hello guys,

I have the Temaspeak3 server ( ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2 ) and wonder if it possible to connect to it with the common windows client?

I have tried TeamSpeak3-Client-win32- but no luck. Server itself works 100% fine, I have tried to set dns:port, ip:port but no luck at all there.

I see no reasons to such restriction in server code and wonder if I miss something, is any one be able to set up such connection?
Can I connect to ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2 server with the TS3 windows client?

Connected, and disconnected a few secs later

Hello guys,

I have a situation with teamspeak. I have a new DSL router (Fritz!box 7490 with Sunrise in Switzerland). When I connect to a server, it connects, but I can't see the channels, or speak, I see nothing, and then I get disconnected a few seconds after connection..

I've tried to disable firewall, anti-virus on my Windows10 and router.

Same problem on ALL TS servers. Windows10 with last updates, and last version of TS client too.

Can somebody help me ? ;)
Thank you in advance.

Here is some logs :

10/02/2016 14:11:19 ClientUI Info Connect to server:
10/02/2016 14:11:19 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve
10/02/2016 14:11:19 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for ""
10/02/2016 14:11:19 TSDNS Info No SRV TSDNS found at ""
10/02/2016 14:11:19 TSDNS Info DNS resolve successful, ""=
10/02/2016 14:11:20 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 9988 0 0
10/02/2016 14:11:20 ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
10/02/2016 14:11:20 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
10/02/2016 14:11:20 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
10/02/2016 14:11:20 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
10/02/2016 14:11:20 PktHandler Devel Puzzle solve time: 7
10/02/2016 14:11:24 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connected
10/02/2016 14:11:24 ClientUI Info Connect status: Establishing connection
10/02/2016 14:11:52 SCHandler Warning Got command data while disconnected, dropping
10/02/2016 14:11:52 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
10/02/2016 14:11:52 ClientUI Info Connection lost, want autoreconnect = 1
10/02/2016 14:11:53 ClientUI Info Autoreconnecting
10/02/2016 14:11:53 ClientUI Info Connect to server:
10/02/2016 14:11:53 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve
10/02/2016 14:11:53 TSDNS Info DNS resolve successful, ""=
10/02/2016 14:11:53 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for ""
10/02/2016 14:11:54 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 9988 0 0
10/02/2016 14:11:54 ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
10/02/2016 14:11:54 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
10/02/2016 14:11:54 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
10/02/2016 14:11:54 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
10/02/2016 14:11:54 PktHandler Devel Puzzle solve time: 7
10/02/2016 14:12:00 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connected
10/02/2016 14:12:00 ClientUI Info Connect status: Establishing connection
10/02/2016 14:12:28 SCHandler Warning Got command data while disconnected, dropping
10/02/2016 14:12:28 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
10/02/2016 14:12:28 ClientUI Info Connection lost, want autoreconnect = 1
10/02/2016 14:12:29 ClientUI Info Autoreconnecting
10/02/2016 14:12:29 ClientUI Info Connect to server:
10/02/2016 14:12:29 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve
10/02/2016 14:12:29 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for ""
10/02/2016 14:12:29 TSDNS Info No SRV TSDNS found at ""
10/02/2016 14:12:29 TSDNS Info DNS resolve successful, ""=
10/02/2016 14:12:30 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 9988 0 0
10/02/2016 14:12:30 ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
10/02/2016 14:12:30 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
10/02/2016 14:12:30 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
10/02/2016 14:12:30 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
10/02/2016 14:12:30 PktHandler Devel Puzzle solve time: 7
10/02/2016 14:12:33 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connected
Connected, and disconnected a few secs later

Typo in Thread Name, cant edit.

Hello. I misspelled a word in my thread's title and now I can't change it.
The name is Sprummlbot - An lightweight multifunctional TS3 Bot.
And that An is not right, it should be A.
Typo in Thread Name, cant edit.

How to change codec quality

Hello guys,

How could I change i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality permission from code?

I have a game and use Teamspeak3 on client ( Client (2015-06-10 10:47:37) SDK)
and server ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2

My problem is:

I need to create channel with OPUS_VOICE with quality 7 but something goes wrong.
I perform this when creating the channel:

        ts3_client.SetChannelVariableAsInt(0, ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_CODEC, (int)CodecType.CODEC_OPUS_VOICE);
        ts3_client.SetChannelVariableAsInt(0, ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_CODEC_QUALITY, 7);

but that request gives me quality 5 every time according to info from this request:

        ts3_client.GetEncodeConfigValue(ts3_client.GetServerConnectionHandlerID(), TeamSpeakClient.EncodeConfig.quality);
Well, I have read that it requires to have permission i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality but it seems in last SDK ( ) there is no one string about permissoons.
How to change codec quality

How to change permission form code: i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality?

Hello guys,

How could I change i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality permission from code?

I have a game and use Teamspeak3 on client ( Client (2015-06-10 10:47:37) SDK)
and server ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2

My problem is:

I need to create channel with OPUS_VOICE with quality 7 but something goes wrong.
I perform this when creating the channel:

        ts3_client.SetChannelVariableAsInt(0, ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_CODEC, (int)CodecType.CODEC_OPUS_VOICE);
        ts3_client.SetChannelVariableAsInt(0, ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_CODEC_QUALITY, 7);

but that request gives me quality 5 every time according to info from this request:

        ts3_client.GetEncodeConfigValue(ts3_client.GetServerConnectionHandlerID(), TeamSpeakClient.EncodeConfig.quality);
Well, I have read that it requires to have permission i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality but it seems in last SDK ( ) there is no one string about permissoons.
How to change permission form code: i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality?

Sprummlbot - An lightweight multifunctional TS3 bot

Hello Server Admins:),
the Sprummlbot is a lightweight TS3 Server Query Bot and it is written in Java.

  • AFK Mover - Moves AFK clients to an AFK channel.
  • Support Channel Notifier - The support notifier of the Sprummlbot notifies clients, defined in config, when someone joins a specific channel.
  • Record Blocker - Kicks clients, which are trying to record.
  • VPN Blocker - Kicks clients using VPN services.
  • Web Interface - Completely free and included web interface with login system.
  • Dynamic Server Banner - Auto refreshing server banner with time, date and online clients. (Custom fonts, and other settings)
  • Plugin API - Plugin API, which is as easy as the Bukkit API.
  • Many commands - Many administrative and information commands, which can be disabled.

The bot will reconnect if it loses connection to the server.
System requirements
Java compatible machine (almost all operating systems) and minimum 256mb ram.
Recommended (for Web Interface and VPN Check use): 1gb RAM (+1gb SWAP), 2 vCores.

The bot's ip should be whitelisted in query_ip_whitelist.txt.

Click here

Click here to see installation for Debian/Ubuntu or Windows

Forum (Support, Ideas, Other) Forum
Sprummlbot - An lightweight multifunctional TS3 bot

TS3 Lost privilege key private LAN server

I have lost my privilege key on a private server. However, I run this server off my computer and port forward so all the files are local.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to make myself admin again, because I can't seem to find anything online about this when you're not hosting a server on the internet.

Thank you all! :)
TS3 Lost privilege key private LAN server

Unable to connect to a specific server.

Hello since about a week ago I've not been able to connect to a specific teamspeak server it's IP is
I am an admin on the server, so I'm sure I'm not banned, there is no password and the IP is definitely correct. When I ping the IP(without the port)
I get a response, but whenever I try to connect via teamspeak client I get this.

11/02/2016 16:26:13 ClientUI Info Connect to server:
11/02/2016 16:26:13 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
11/02/2016 16:26:13 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
11/02/2016 16:26:13 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
11/02/2016 16:26:20 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
11/02/2016 16:26:20 ClientUI Info Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0

As you can see this is not very helpful. My firewall allows TS access, and I'm tried all the common things, rebooting my PC, reinstalling TS3, rebooting my
router and turning off my firewall. Only the last thing did anything, after I completely turned off my firewall on the third try at connecting to the server
I finally did connect, however I was then disconnected after 25 seconds and couldn't connect again. Another admin checked the server logs, and it said I
lost connection, so I assume this is an issue on my end.

I can connect to all other TS3 servers fine however, so I'm rather confused. I'd appreciate any help you could offer.
Unable to connect to a specific server.

Problem with connection. "Failed to connect to server/SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful"

Hey there. Yesterday everything was working just fine. Today I try to connect and I can't. I get "Failed to connect". Tried to connect via IP but still same issue. What is strange I can connect to other servers (voice.teamspeak), can ping it. My friends aren't experiencing any issues with our server, except me. Here's the log:


2016-02-11 15:14:16        ClientUI        Info        Connect to server:       
2016-02-11 15:14:16        ClientUI        Info        Trying to resolve       
2016-02-11 15:14:16        TSDNS        Info        DNS resolve successful, ""=       
2016-02-11 15:14:16        TSDNS        Info        SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for ""       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        ClientUI        Info        Lookup finished: 6450 0 0       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        ClientUI        Info        Resolve successful:       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        ClientUI        Info        Blacklist check ok       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        ClientUI        Info        Initiating connection:       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Devel        DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Devel        DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::openDevice-enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS Buffer size: 960       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::openDevice-leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::startDevice-enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::startDevice-leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Devel        DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Devel        DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::openDevice-enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS Buffer size: 960       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::openDevice-leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        PreProSpeex        Info        Speex version: speex-1.2beta3       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::startDevice-enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::startDevice-leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::associateAECDevice-enter       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS Buffer size: 960       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        Windows Audio Session        Debug        WAS::associateAECDevice-leave       
2016-02-11 15:14:17        ClientUI        Info        Connect status: Connecting       
2016-02-11 15:14:22        ClientUI        Info        Connect status: Disconnected       
2016-02-11 15:14:22        ClientUI        Info        Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0

Problem with connection. "Failed to connect to server/SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful"


Hello everyone sorry im french,

I have a problem the TeamSpeak servers, this morning when I logged in, I had no perm on my server intance (putty)

Can you help me please, I have no backup of my server, I really need help.


Welcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery interface, type "help" for a list of commands and "help <command>" for information on a specific command.
login serveradmin mypassword
error id=0 msg=ok
error id=2568 msg=insufficient\sclient\spermissions failed_permid=4
My serveradmin, no longer have any perm :(

a big thank-you

Click image for larger version.  Name: Capture4.png  Views: 0  Size: 90.7 KB  ID: 13525
Attached Images

Failed To Connect To Server

~Can connect to other servers.
~Allowed outgoing through firewall.
~Seems to pass authentication in log.
~Other users can connect.

TSDNS Info SRV TSDNS found at ""=>"", but could not find TSDNS server there
ClientUI Info Connect to server:
ClientUI Info Trying to resolve
TSDNS Info DNS resolve successful, ""=
TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve successful, ""=>"" =
ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 5895 0 0
ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
ClientUI Info Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0
Failed To Connect To Server

Turtle Beach i30 bluetooth quality

I am using a new Turtle Beach i30 bluetooth headset on my MacBook pro and when connecting to TS it almost downgrades the quality of the headset to where it sounds HORRIBLE. If I use a 1/8" audio in TS on the headsets it sounds fine, only while using bluetooth.

If I close teamspeak, play a song in iTunes via bluetooth it sounds great, then I open TS while iTunes is playing song and connect to a server, the song gets changed almost to like 8bit quality. Unacceptable

Turtle Beach i30 bluetooth quality

Help Start Stop Via Php help

Hi All bro Help Server Port:9987 or 9988 to PORT Server Stop Start Restart Backup Via Php Help Thank You
Help Start Stop Via Php help

Error 2816 after VPS reinstall

Hi, today i reinstalled my vps. Everything works fine except teamspeak. I uploaded my backup and NPL licensekey, but when i try to start virtual server i'm getting error 2816. Without licensekey i can create new server that works fine. I also tried clean server but error still exist. How can i fix this?
Error 2816 after VPS reinstall

Accounting server cannot be reached since 2016-01-27

For a few years I've been running my TS3 server without problems. Since about 2 weeks, my server shuts down every 2 hours because it claims it cannot reach


2016-02-11 10:26:58.877409|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |  |TeamSpeak 3 Server (2016-02-08 15:34:38)
2016-02-11 10:26:58.877843|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |  |SystemInformation: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3 (2016-01-17) x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2016-02-11 10:26:58.877879|WARNING |ServerLibPriv |  |The system locale is set to "C" this can cause unexpected behavior. We advice you to repair your locale!
2016-02-11 10:26:58.878731|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |  |dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2016-02-11 10:26:58.878769|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |  |dbPlugin version: 3.8.6
2016-02-11 10:26:58.879000|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |  |checking database integrity (may take a while)
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060294|INFO    |Accounting    |  |Licensing Information
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060379|INFO    |Accounting    |  |type              : Non-profit
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060421|INFO    |Accounting    |  |starting date    : Mon Aug 31 00:00:00 2015
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060446|INFO    |Accounting    |  |ending date      : Fri Mar 11 00:00:00 2016
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060467|INFO    |Accounting    |  |max virtualservers: 10
2016-02-11 10:26:59.060488|INFO    |Accounting    |  |max slots        : 512
2016-02-11 10:27:00.115726|INFO    |              |  |Puzzle precompute time: 1048
2016-02-11 10:27:00.116188|INFO    |FileManager  |  |listening on
2016-02-11 10:27:00.123960|WARNING |              |  |loadFromDatabase() found unregistered ident: virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_stop
2016-02-11 10:27:00.124021|WARNING |              |  |loadFromDatabase() found unregistered ident: virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_ban
2016-02-11 10:27:00.316911|WARNING |              |  |loadFromDatabase() found unregistered ident: virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_stop
2016-02-11 10:27:00.316945|WARNING |              |  |loadFromDatabase() found unregistered ident: virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_ban
2016-02-11 10:27:00.396940|INFO    |CIDRManager  |  |updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,
2016-02-11 10:27:00.397630|INFO    |Query        |  |listening on
2016-02-11 10:28:00.482409|WARNING |              |  |Accounting connection stalled
2016-02-11 10:29:20.010142|ERROR  |              |  |read invalid packet size size
2016-02-11 11:30:21.305729|WARNING |              |  |Accounting connection stalled
2016-02-11 11:31:40.018014|ERROR  |              |  |read invalid packet size size
2016-02-11 12:32:42.638430|WARNING |              |  |Accounting connection stalled
2016-02-11 12:34:00.065408|ERROR  |              |  |read invalid packet size size
2016-02-11 12:34:00.065520|ERROR  |Accounting    |  |Could not connect to accounting server after multiple attempts, shutting down server

I have no rules blocking outgoing traffic in the firewall and I appear to be able to connect to just fine:

teamspeak:~$ nc -v 2008
Warning: inverse host lookup failed for Unknown host [] 2008 (?) open

Anything else I could check?
Accounting server cannot be reached since 2016-01-27

Server voice quality default config value

Hello guys,

I wonder if it possible to set default voice quality and codec in the server config file.
Also, where could I find the full list of server config file values?
Server voice quality default config value

Editing permissions so that users cannot leave server groups

Hi all, sorry if I missed a similar post but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted by searching.

I want to make it so that I can add users to server groups, with permissions of the server group then set so that they cannot remove themselves from the server group. I've successfully made it so users can't add themselves to any server group they please, but can't seem to find the right set of permissions/permission values to make it so they cannot remove themselves from the group.

If you could point me in the right direction that'd be very helpful!
Editing permissions so that users cannot leave server groups

I need a TeamSpeak attendance

is there a plug-in or an add-on or a HTML code for TeamSpeak attendance thing. so i can have a mandatory meetings and I can keep track of my members that join the mandatory meetings. so if they don't join these mandatory meetings I know who to dismiss the members that don't join.
I need a TeamSpeak attendance

TeamSpeak 3 keeps disconnecting. "could not find TSDNS server there"

mercredi 10 février 2016

A guild mate is having issues keeping her connection in TeamSpeak 3. About 2 weeks ago we got a new host. By host I mean a new person started paying for it, same server. Since then she keeps disconnecting. I tried helping her, but nothing really worked. This includes; running as administrator, changing compatibility, resetting her port forwarding, she also set up a port forward to TS3, not exactly sure what she did with it. I believe we did some other stuff but can't think of them on top of my head.

Either way, I'll post the log here, hopefully one of you have some ideas. I'll keep looking but most of the posts/articles I found about the issue take me to a dead end.

Sorry for the file name. Was to lazy to change it, but apparently not lazy enough to type this sentence...
Attached Files
TeamSpeak 3 keeps disconnecting. "could not find TSDNS server there"

Cant turn off surround sound

I just got a G933 and i would like to use the surround for games but not for TS, and I looked around and found nothing. Any help is welcome
Cant turn off surround sound

Server 3.0.12 crash Permissions denied

Hello guys,

after deleting a folder at the channelbrowser the server crashed.

Here some logs:

Click image for larger version.  Name: beimChannelLoeschen2.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 30.0 KB  ID: 13522

Click image for larger version.  Name: log2.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 667.0 KB  ID: 13523

We are using version 3.0.12.

So i deleted the folders at my shell and everything worked fine.

No permission problems any more.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: beimChannelLoeschen2.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 30.0 KB  ID: 13522   Click image for larger version.  Name: log2.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 667.0 KB  ID: 13523  
Server 3.0.12 crash Permissions denied

TeamSpeak 3 Server released

We're happy to announce the availability of the new server version

This server addresses several crashes users experienced with 3.0.12

This server fixes several crashes and adds the ability to specify a minimum version number for each device type separately. Furthermore when deploying server snapshots it is now possible to get back a list of the new channel ID for each channel in the snapshot.

Please note: The binaries do no longer have the operating system / architecture suffix. If you reply on those in scripts/tools, please adjust the scripts/tools accordingly.
Minimum OSX version from now on is 10.7
Minimum FreeBSD version from now on is 10.1

Full Changelog can be found below:

=== Server Release  jan 2016
 - fix 2 server crashes on malicious input
 - fixed file stat bugs on windows xp
 - fixed logview command returning utf8 byte order mark

=== Server Release 3.0.12 26 Jan 2016
 + added "virtualserver_min_android_version" and "virtualserver_min_ios_version" to specifically
  set the minimal allowed client versions for android and iOS on the server.
 + added "-mapping" to the serversnapshotdeploy command. This optional parameters will add a mapping
  of the old and new channelid's in the return
 + Grouped several SQL queries together into one statement which improves performance
 - fixed clientdbfind command returning false entries
 - fixed some hangs after heavy network IO on Linux/FreeBSD/OSX
 - fixed issue with clientinfo command
 - fixed crash when (automatically) deleting a channel
 - fixed tsdnsserver libc++ issue on Linux
 * The server will now print a warning if the locale is set to "C"
 * Replaced Server query manual PDF file with a HTML version
 * Unsigned variables (client/server/instance etc) now only accept positive values and -1 (synonym
  for maximum value). Other negative values result in conversion error.
 * Serverquery manual fixes
 * Made a small change to the way the server handles the initialization protocol
 ! Removed "virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth" and
  "virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth" from the server template if the value was "-1"
 ! The server binaries file names now do NOT have the platform suffixes any more. They are all
  called "ts3server"
 ! The OSX version is now 64 bit only. OSX 10.7 is now the minimum supported version.
 ! Some SQL queries changed or added. If you use custom SQL queries, please take note of this.
 ! The minimum supported FreeBSD version for the server is 10.1 from now on. Release 3.0.13 (next)
  will need a libc++ from ports/pkg or FreeBSD 10.2.

TeamSpeak 3 Server released

Bot or Plugin to log clients information


I am curious in doing stats for my teamspeak server and would like a bot or if that's not possible, a plugin to log client information from every client that joins the server
First off, is this possible at all?
if it is, and there is a program that will already do this for me, I would love to know about it!
if there is no program already built, anyone interested in building such a program??

Thanks :D
Bot or Plugin to log clients information

Boot start using Upstart in Ubuntu 12.04

Our server has been running well, and I forgot to make an Upstart service when things were updated a few years back. Our ISP had a hiccup in the data center today, and of course it didn't start. Doing a net search, I found that someone posted this script:


# description "start and stop the TS server"

console log # Log events to console

exec start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /opt/teamspeak3/ --chuid teamspeak \
    --exec /opt/teamspeak3/ start

 start on runlevel [2345] # Tell when to start
stop on runlevel [^2345] # Tell when to stop

respawn # Block excess respawn
respawn limit 20 5 # Ditto

Our server is in opt/teamspeak3. At the command prompt in that directory. I can manually run ./ start ... and it starts fine. Same thing with stop.. When I open up the bootup tab using webmin (sorry, its what we use) it shows the above code as being there, and when I select it and tell it to start, it says that it did, but the server does not run. I have done a search here in the forums for "upstart" and found nothing. I'm betting this has been asked a thousand times before so... sorry for that.

The 'owner' of this is the user 'teamspeak'...

How do I fix this? Thanks kindly in advance. :)
Boot start using Upstart in Ubuntu 12.04

Locale question

$ cat /etc/default/locale

$ locale

2016-02-10 18:33:01.690519|WARNING |ServerLibPriv | |The system locale is set to "C" this can cause unexpected behavior. We advice you to repair your locale!

Locale question

When entering TS and in the Lobby, is htere a way to make it no talk

My TS is setup with a Lobby. I would like anyone coming in to go to a room instead of lurking and talking the entire time in the Lobby. I have been to other TS's and seen this. How is this done?
When entering TS and in the Lobby, is htere a way to make it no talk

Is it possible to trick the client input hardware?

Is it possible to create a plugin that will fool client input hardware?
I would like many cards was active microphone.
Is it possible to trick the client input hardware?

Failing to connect to a server

Having a problem connecting to this server ( no PW, others have had to try in new tab and they get in ok, Ive tried for the last couple days with no success. Can someone try and see if they can connect to it as Ive connected to other servers.
Failing to connect to a server

Global Server Password

Okay, so I tried to set a Global Server password, but it's not sticking. It's allowing people to enter the server without the password or just using random letters. I tried to set it through the server and WebAdmin. What am I doing wrong? Please help.
Global Server Password

TeasmSpeak 3 Server released

We're happy to announce the availability of the new server version

This server addresses several crashes users experienced with 3.0.12

This server fixes several crashes and adds the ability to specify a minimum version number for each device type separately. Furthermore when deploying server snapshots it is now possible to get back a list of the new channel ID for each channel in the snapshot.

Please note: The binaries do no longer have the operating system / architecture suffix. If you reply on those in scripts/tools, please adjust the scripts/tools accordingly.
Minimum OSX version from now on is 10.7
Minimum FreeBSD version from now on is 10.1

Full Changelog can be found below:

=== Server Release  jan 2016
 - fix 2 server crashes on malicious input
 - fixed file stat bugs on windows xp
 - fixed logview command returning utf8 byte order mark

=== Server Release 3.0.12 26 Jan 2016
 + added "virtualserver_min_android_version" and "virtualserver_min_ios_version" to specifically
  set the minimal allowed client versions for android and iOS on the server.
 + added "-mapping" to the serversnapshotdeploy command. This optional parameters will add a mapping
  of the old and new channelid's in the return
 + Grouped several SQL queries together into one statement which improves performance
 - fixed clientdbfind command returning false entries
 - fixed some hangs after heavy network IO on Linux/FreeBSD/OSX
 - fixed issue with clientinfo command
 - fixed crash when (automatically) deleting a channel
 - fixed tsdnsserver libc++ issue on Linux
 * The server will now print a warning if the locale is set to "C"
 * Replaced Server query manual PDF file with a HTML version
 * Unsigned variables (client/server/instance etc) now only accept positive values and -1 (synonym
  for maximum value). Other negative values result in conversion error.
 * Serverquery manual fixes
 * Made a small change to the way the server handles the initialization protocol
 ! Removed "virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth" and
  "virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth" from the server template if the value was "-1"
 ! The server binaries file names now do NOT have the platform suffixes any more. They are all
  called "ts3server"
 ! The OSX version is now 64 bit only. OSX 10.7 is now the minimum supported version.
 ! Some SQL queries changed or added. If you use custom SQL queries, please take note of this.
 ! The minimum supported FreeBSD version for the server is 10.1 from now on. Release 3.0.13 (next)
  will need a libc++ from ports/pkg or FreeBSD 10.2.

TeasmSpeak 3 Server released

Redirect when server is down

OK, we are on teamspeak, we are all talking and bam,,. say the internet drops/connection lost/server crashes, people who are already connected are reconnected to which is hosted elsewhere, and anyone new who attempts to logon to will be redirected to once comes back online, people will be disconnected and reconnected to server 1??

is this possible or at least a variation of this?

Redirect when server is down

Disable server chat

Hello there, is it possible to disable the Server Chat for some Server Groups ?

I mean the Channel where stays, User X went in channel Y. User X left the Server.

Whould be awesome to get a reply :)
Disable server chat

SDK In Android(Java) :Error getting soundbackends...

mardi 9 février 2016

I built JNI wrapper Lib and init clientlib successfully, but i could not open playback or capture device.

2016-02-09 15:16:47.133850|INFO | | |TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-06-10 10:47:37) SDK
2016-02-09 15:16:47.134548|INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux 3.4.0-g0c665cd-00543-gcfd5362 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jan 29 00:31:07 CST 2016 armv7l Binary: 32bit
2016-02-09 15:16:47.135783|ERROR |SoundDevManager| |Error getting soundbackends dir No such file or directory
SDK In Android(Java) :Error getting soundbackends...

Users will disconnect and then automatically reconnect

I have a same problem. I have a TS3 on my old laptop with a cable connect to my router/moden. My TS3 have like 1 year and this week starts with this problem. Ppl gets disconnected and reconnect every 30 seconds


09/02/2016 19:33:17 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:33:48 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:34:16 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:34:47 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:35:15 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:35:46 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:36:37 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:37:08 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:37:15 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'kryne'(id:56) from
09/02/2016 19:37:37 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:37:57 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'kryne'(id:56) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:38:08 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:38:27 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'kryne'(id:56) from
09/02/2016 19:38:51 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:38:56 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'kryne'(id:56) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:39:21 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:39:24 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'kryne'(id:56) from
09/02/2016 19:40:02 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:40:02 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'kryne'(id:56) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'
09/02/2016 19:40:32 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'GhostMachinePT la revenge'(id:194) from
09/02/2016 19:40:33 VirtualServerBase Info client connected 'kryne'(id:56) from
09/02/2016 19:41:01 VirtualServerBase Info client disconnected 'kryne'(id:56) reason 'reasonmsg=connection lost'

My server have 0.05% packge lost, 18ms.

I need a solution!!!!
Users will disconnect and then automatically reconnect

Channel Group Mute?

While messing about with some Teamspeak permissions, I came across the permissions for Channel groups, which caused me to remember something I saw on a different Teamspeak a while ago.

When the server admin applied a certain Channel group (Called 'Shush'), it muted that specific person from talking until it was removed. I'm very certain that it wasn't a server group. I was wondering how to add this into my own teamspeak if there is a way? If so, could somebody please explain to me how to do it?

I was unable to figure it out alone, even after speaking with another server Admin.
I think it would be a fun addition to meme around with.

Channel Group Mute?

Virtual Serverchat Disable

Hello there, is it possible to disable the Server Chat for some Server Groups ?

I mean the Channel where stays, User X went in channel Y. User X left the Server.

Whould be awesome to get a reply :)
Virtual Serverchat Disable

My TeamSpeak is Crashed Help Please. I need attention in Spanish

My TeamSpeak 3 crasheo completely open and does not let me delete all the files and try to reinstall TeamSpeak. Unfortunately as usual, please help.

I get this in the error message :

TeamSpeak 3 cannot write to the configuration file:
/Users/hansromero/Library/Application Support/TeamSpeak 3/settings.db
You can use TeamSpeak 3, but all settings will be lost!

I download again TeamSpeak I guess it's the latest version
Help Please.
My TeamSpeak is Crashed Help Please. I need attention in Spanish

Color Change

Is it possible and if so what must I do to change the color of this when it is displayed, currently its a dark blue when it comes up and I want it to be a light gray:

Dattim =" <%H:%M:%S>")
foundit = 0
printit = 0
SERVERALL = server .. "all"

-- ts3.printMessageToCurrentTab("Joined " .. SERVERALL)
Color Change

Server Installation Issues (CentOS)

Fairly new to CentOS and command lines. Well, it's been a long time anyway.

I've installed TeamSpeak and I had it run fine the first time. However, I am now getting this error every time I try to launch the server (after stopping the service) so I can no longer run the server.

2016-02-09 13:33:51.695548|ERROR |Accounting | | local accounting reports an already running instance, instance w ill shutdown
2016-02-09 13:33:51.695692|ERROR |ServerLibPriv | | Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance lim it reached
Server Installation Issues (CentOS)

Servers Stops On Startup With NPL Active

So when I start my server without my licencekey.dat it will start up fine, when I add the licencekey.dat and try to start the server the server wont start up but will say in the logs


2016-02-08 21:58:00.453159|WARNING |Accounting    |  Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality

but it will allow me to start the server using server query programs like YaTQa but then the server will randomly stop and give no reasons for doing so as shown by the logs


2016-02-08 23:47:20.360886|INFO    |VirtualServerBase|1  |client disconnected 'Soarin'(id:4) reason 'reasonmsg=Server Shutdown!'
2016-02-08 23:47:20.360886|INFO    |VirtualServerBase|1  |client disconnected 'Billy Mays'(id:5) reason 'reasonmsg=Server Shutdown!'
2016-02-08 23:47:20.361881|INFO    |VirtualServerBase|1  |client disconnected 'Scorpio'(id:7) reason 'reasonmsg=Server Shutdown!'
2016-02-08 23:47:20.464742|INFO    |VirtualServerBase|1  |stopped
2016-02-08 23:50:36.321010|INFO    |VirtualServerBase|1  |listening on <virtual>
2016-02-08 23:50:41.169563|INFO    |VirtualServer |1  |listening on

Dose anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
Servers Stops On Startup With NPL Active

Not possible Change Channel name max Lenght

I'd like to know how to increase channel name Lenght.
I found this:
But they talk about a plugin... pluginsdk
I don't find a lot about this, but in my server folder there is nothing like that, and I can' understand where to add this plugin.
Thank you

Not possible Change Channel name max Lenght

How to add a new ServerQuery account with certain permissions?

So i want to add a new SeverQuery account but i has to have the following permissions i_group_member_add_power and i_group_member_remove_power to add and remove users from desired groups.

I've been looking around and found nothing on how to do this. (Sorry if i overlooked something)
How to add a new ServerQuery account with certain permissions?

Private Message Question

Hello everyone!

I have a quick question.

Can a full Team speak moderator (in this instance also called the "Teamspeak manager") view private chat logs between different people.

For example Me and another user are private messaging about game server information. Can that moderator (Not the other person in this instance) somehow be able to go and view logs on our conversation?

If you are still a little confused, if anybody here has used Rcon. You can view every message ever sent in the game chat using the log system. Can somebody do this in Teamspeak?

Thanks all!
Private Message Question

Change Disconnect Message as an admin

Hi from Berlin,

i just have a quick question and hope there is someone who can help me. I am Server (Query) Admin of a TS3 Server and looking for a line of code which allows me to delete a Disconnect Message from one special client using my server.

Can you please help me?

thanks a lot

Change Disconnect Message as an admin

No connection from aborad?


I've been using the TS3 Client with my Fujitsu Laptop (Windows) for ages while being at home (Germany) and never had any problems. Now I am in the Netherlands and suddenly I can't connect to any Servers.. I don't know what the reason for this phenomenon is, I have tried to deactivate the virus program, the firewall, put some UDP ports into an extra rule.. nothing helps.
I can add that my MMORPG-Client can't connect either and my iPhone struggles with connecting the GameCenter aswell.
I am trying to connect via WiFi(I tried two different ones). Is there any settings I need to change? I tried to find something on google but I couldn't find any results about country-specified settings.

Help would be very appreciated, I am happy to give more information.
No connection from aborad?

Possible to have a notification sent to me if someone speaks?


I'm using TeamSpeak 3.

I want to know if it's possible to have a voice notification sent to me if someone speaks in the lobby while I'm in an AFK channel/have my mic muted or disabled.
I'm not actually afk, but I'm in the afk channel because I do not want to accidentally press my talk key and have everyone hearing what I would be saying at that time.

I know I can mute my mic or disable the key, but I'm very active in teamspeak, but at certain times I'm not. I also don't want to be in the main channel and have everyone thinking I'm available at that exact time. However, if someone needs me for something, I want to know if they talked. So, is it possible to get a voice notification or text notification for when someone talks in the main channel while I'm in the AFK channel?

I hope I made my question clear.

Possible to have a notification sent to me if someone speaks?

Noise at low volume voice detection

Hi, i'm having this without doing any thing in teamspeak:
Name: 121212.png Views: 0 Size: 6.5 KB

It does wierd sound when i'm at a low sensitivity. Is it due to eletrical interferance? my microphone?...

I have a msi z97 gaming 5 with sennheiser G4me One
Attached Images
Noise at low volume voice detection

Autostart script on reboot

Greetings, is there any working script for autostarting teamspeak3 on reboot on linux(centos 6)? thanks in advance
Autostart script on reboot

Autostart script on reboot

Greetings, is there any working script for autostarting teamspeak3 on reboot on linux(centos 6)? thanks in advance
Autostart script on reboot

Client does not have the right permissions, and i can't change anything.

So, i've been trying to get this plugin to work that will add users to a members group on our teamspeak when they sign up at our website. I've had it working when our teamspeak was hosted at gameservers, but after i moved our teamspeak over to a rented VPS, i've been getting problems.

Here are my problems:

I'm unable to edit permissions for the plugins (client) (ID:1) when i try to add the permission "i_group_member_add_power" i will get the error "insufficient client permissions (failed on i_client_needed_permission_modify_power)

Also, when i try to add client ID 0 as an admin i will also get the error " insufficient client permissions (failed on i_client_needed_permission_modify_power)"


Sorry if i overlooked something really dumb, but i'm really tired xD
Client does not have the right permissions, and i can't change anything.

Server group permission problem

Hey everyone,

I'd like to know how to set the permissions for adding server groups to clients but only the server group what I want.

e.g I have a server group "moderator" and I want set the permission for them to add another server group but lower than moderator.

Moderator can add/remove clients from server group "Police", thats all.
Server group permission problem

Telent server query issues

lundi 8 février 2016

Well I have been trying to solve a potential issue on my team speak 3 server.

The potential issue is that if the server shuts down at 512 slots its going to be unable to start up and I need to change it to 32 slots so it will start up. Now I have logged into the teamspeak server via putty on 10011 telnet. I have tried to login this is the problem I am now faced with.

(Teamspeak error jpeg)

I wish to issue these commands located on the other attached image of this thread.

Any help would be great! Thank you all!
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: Teamspeak correct commands.PNG  Views: N/A  Size: 15.6 KB  ID: 13516   Click image for larger version.  Name: Teamspeak error.PNG  Views: N/A  Size: 13.9 KB  ID: 13515  
Telent server query issues

Server Setup Problems

I'm setting up a new installation of Teamspeak 3 (3.0.12) on a new server (Ubuntu 15.10). The server is setup and ServerQuery confirms it is running on port 9987


virtualserver_id=1 virtualserver_port=9987 virtualserver_status=online virtualserver_clientsonline=0 virtualserver_queryclientsonline=0 virtualserver_maxclients=32 virtualserver_uptime=698598 virtualserver_name=TeamSpeak\s]I[\sServer virtualserver_autostart=1 virtualserver_machine_id
I *believe* I have opened all of the ports necessary.

sudo iptables -L shows....

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:9987
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:30033
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:10011
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:41144
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:9987
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:9987
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp spt:9987
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:30033
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spt:30033
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:10011
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spt:10011

I can connect to ServerQuery from localhost but not from a remote host. I cannot connect using a Teamspeak client.

Am I missing anything obvious? What else should I check?

Thanks in advance for the help
Server Setup Problems

Encryption for Identities on client.


For some reason, our identities are stored in a plaintext file, which makes me very sad and unsecure =(
I don't think it is very bad to scramble our data by the AES-256, just to be safe, and that would put me at ease as a server admin. :cool:
Encryption for Identities on client.

Copy Channels

Hey All,

I would make a Suggestions for the ability to copy channel. When I now want to create a lot of channels e.g. for a new teamspeak 3 server I must create every channel new, with the same configuration. When I could copy channels, I could create a lot of more channels faster.

Thanks. :)
Copy Channels

[ServerQuery] Check if user is banned by uid or cldbid.

Is it possible to check if client is banned without getting whole ban list (by query banlist command)?

Server Version: 3.0.12
[ServerQuery] Check if user is banned by uid or cldbid.

Create Temp Channel's with subscription power

Okay I got to say i'm very new to Teamspeak 3 servers

Situation now:
I got a public Teamspeak 3 server so everyone can join and make a temporary channel with a password I got that part but when they create a channel I dont want people to see how many people are in the temporary channel so I need to set a subscription power or how?
This is visible for every client
Click image for larger version.  Name: screen teamspeak.png  Views: 0  Size: 2.6 KB  ID: 13512
and I want it like this
Click image for larger version.  Name: sreenteamspeak2.png  Views: 0  Size: 2.6 KB  ID: 13513
Does anyone know how I can set a permanent subscription power for quest and normal users?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: sreenteamspeak2.png  Views: N/A  Size: 2.6 KB  ID: 13513   Click image for larger version.  Name: screen teamspeak.png  Views: N/A  Size: 2.6 KB  ID: 13512  
Create Temp Channel's with subscription power