Our server has been running well, and I forgot to make an Upstart service when things were updated a few years back. Our ISP had a hiccup in the data center today, and of course it didn't start. Doing a net search, I found that someone posted this script:
Our server is in opt/teamspeak3. At the command prompt in that directory. I can manually run ./ts3server_startscript.sh start ... and it starts fine. Same thing with stop.. When I open up the bootup tab using webmin (sorry, its what we use) it shows the above code as being there, and when I select it and tell it to start, it says that it did, but the server does not run. I have done a search here in the forums for "upstart" and found nothing. I'm betting this has been asked a thousand times before so... sorry for that.
The 'owner' of this is the user 'teamspeak'...
How do I fix this? Thanks kindly in advance. :)
Boot start using Upstart in Ubuntu 12.04
# description "start and stop the TS server"
console log # Log events to console
exec start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /opt/teamspeak3/ --chuid teamspeak \
--exec /opt/teamspeak3/ts3server_startscript.sh start
start on runlevel [2345] # Tell when to start
stop on runlevel [^2345] # Tell when to stop
respawn # Block excess respawn
respawn limit 20 5 # Ditto
The 'owner' of this is the user 'teamspeak'...
How do I fix this? Thanks kindly in advance. :)
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