onUpdateClientEvent crashes Client

mardi 1 septembre 2015


I am developing a plugin in C++ using the Teamspeak PluginSDK. I want to use the onUpdateClientEvent to react to a user changing its username and it works just fine but when I kick a client (whether with the SDK or manually using the GUI) my client crashes with this error in log:

2015-09-01 15:50:00.104221|CRITICAL|              |  |Assertion "item->getChildCount() == 0" failed at c:\jenkins\workspace\clientwindows_gyp\src\ui_qt\treemodel.cpp:580;
I am using the following code for testing:

void logmsg(string msg) {
    ts3Functions.logMessage(msg.c_str(), LogLevel_DEBUG, "TestPlugin", 0);

void ts3plugin_onUpdateClientEvent(UINT64 scHandlerID, anyID clientID, anyID invokerID, const char *invokerName, const char *invokerUniqueIdentifier) {
    logmsg("updateClient" + to_string(scHandlerID) + ";" + to_string(clientID) + ";" + to_string(invokerID));
    anyID* selfID;
    ts3Functions.getClientID(scHandlerID, selfID);
    logmsg("selfID=" + to_string(*selfID) + ";clientID=" + to_string(clientID) + ";invokerID=" + to_string(invokerID));

The weird thing is that its not even printing the first log message even though its called before the getClientID :confused: but the crash is definitly caused by the getClientID call because when removing the getClientID call it does not crash.

I hope somebody can help me :rolleyes:
Thanks in advance

onUpdateClientEvent crashes Client

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