Suggestions about Server List

lundi 19 octobre 2015

I have a 2 suggestions for you :D (Sorry for bad English ..)

First suggestions

In the Server List you can see all the servers ...
My suggestion is that i can choose the countries that can see my server in the Server List ..
For example :
If my server is located in Israel and i want to allow users from Israel,USA,Germany to see my server in the Server List .
But If my server is located in Israel but i choose that only user from Israel,USA,Germany can see the server in the Server List i still can send the IP to friend from Russia ..

So it's not about allow connections only from Israel,USA,Germany
It's about let users to log if they have the IP but without to see the server in the Server List ..
Only block them from the Server List ...

How is that helpful ?
* Can reduce trolls
* Can reduce DDoS
* Can reduce unwanted users from unwanted countries

Second suggestions

Tag my server to country ...

The biggest problem in TeamSpeak it a DDoS attacks, if we want to prevent it we need to find big company with firewall like OVH ...
The problem is i we buy a server from OVH France (for example) but my users from Israel and they choose to filter by country ... they cant see my server ...

Here in Israel One of the best in high-tech still if cant get protected from DDoS ..
i can choose to allow only connections from Israel but then the users from Israel can't see the server in the Server List so i suggest an options that if my server located in OVH France i can choose to set it as an Israeli server.
So if users from Israel filtered to only Israelis server they still can see my server
The connecting quality Israel to Europe really the same as in Israel to Israel
almost all the websites in Israel located in Europe. for example: France, Germany, Netherlands ...
so you can add an option to TAG the server as Israeli and if user from Israel choose to filter by country he can see the my server that located in France but TAG as Israeli so he can know its located in France and Intended (?) to Israel

How is that helpful ?
* Like i said, DDoS
* Improve countries filtering in Server List
* To whom the service is intended

Again i want to say sorry for misspellings or mistakes in English (admin please correct my spelling mistakes) ...

So what you think ?
Suggestions about Server List

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