Teamspeak3 not working/staying connected

lundi 5 octobre 2015

Alright, so, i don't know if this is the right area for this thread, and if it isn't i apologize in advance.

Whenever i connect to a teamspeak server it will stay connected for about 30 seconds then disconnect and will not reconnect at all unless i close teamspeak and try again 10 or so minutes later. While i am connected for the 30 seconds i can not type in the teamspeak chatbox, switch channels, or even talk via voice. I am verified on the server. I have tried checking firewall, uninstalling and reinstalling, and i have tried running as administrator. None of this has worked. The ping never shows while i am connected either. I have checked my internet as well. At the time of this thread i am also currently using the latest teamspeak3. Any help is much appreciated.
Teamspeak3 not working/staying connected

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