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First Aid
latest update caused my mic to not work on my headset (Logitech G930)
dimanche 15 novembre 2015
TS Ver. is not allowing my mic to work with my headset. I shouldn't have ran the update. :confused:
What next?
latest update caused my mic to not work on my headset (Logitech G930)
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.223 (5.56x45 mm) 62-gr. M855 w/ Ammo Can 420Rds - $175.74 shipped
.svg as TeamSpeak 3 Banner
'Failed To Resolve hostname" Error
"Change Volume" in Whispers failing (sometimes) []
"Client is too old to connect to this server"
"QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method" Can't connect to any server
"Server has been shut down: Server Shutdown!"
"Super Typhoon" heading for Taiwan & China
"Texas ID Law Called Breach of Voting Rights Act"
"The specified service does not exist as an installed service"
"User joined your channel" how to disable in just these types of channel
"your client is to old to connect to that server" ???
"Your client is too old to connect...
"Your client is too old to connect... 3.0.18
(B&S) Blade and Soul Icon Pack (NA)
(OS X) Mic activation doesn't work after computer sleeps. Restarting solves it.
(Windows 10) Improper Text-To-Speech / Narrator Voice
[ Problem installing SOUNDBOARD plugin! ]
[?] What bot would be best to contribute to for a feature I need?
[3.0.17] Sound volume after standby
[3.0.17] TS3 crashes on startup after update to 3.0.17
[API] TS3 PHP Framework (ClientQuery)
[Beta Channel] TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.18
[BETA Channel] TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.19
[Client]Client crashes unregularly
[crash bug] Uploading a .url crashes the client
[Group Permissions][HELP]Stop Multiple Group Giving
[HELP] I Have Lost My Server Password
[HELP] Need to reset the Password required to connect to my server?
[HELP] Old account Unique Id?
[HELP] Plugin Check version
[HELP] Run Function Every X Seconds [LUA]
[Help] Trying to compile and run example plugin
[Icon Pack/Theme] Carl's Icon Pack - for a modern
[lua] Need help with Print
[LUA] Plugin stopped working
[Malicious Usage]Unique ID's
[NPL] Question about Donations
[PreRelease] TeamSpeak 3 Server Beta
[Question] [Dev] PreviewWidget and general questions
[Question] [LUA] [Plugin API]
[QUESTION] How to protect my IP Adress ?
[Question] Permissions on localhost to hosted server
[QUESTION] Simple Way to Track Users?
[QUESTION] Using idle-timer to set color of bubble next to nickname?
[Question]Default TS-Theme in grey/black possible?
[Release] Auto Reply Plugin
[Release] DarkenTS - Save the eyes
[Release] NoX Script [LUA]
[request TeamSpeak Plugin for Message's
[Request] ATHP Administration tools
[Request] Channeljoin plugin
[Request] Dynamic Channel creation
[request] Join channel button
[Request] Move clients
[Request] Move Plugin
[Request] Move to another channel
[Request] Need a [PHP] away message changer api plz
[REQUEST] New Mass Control Module
[Request] Permisson Admin
[Request] Plugin for mass poke?
[Request] Plugin to automatically create a channel
[Request] Queued voice mode
[Request] Room Generator
[Request] SetChannelGroups Keyboard Control
[REQUEST] Text to speech through microphone
[Request] UASF Ranks Icons
[Request]Log script
[Request]R6 Siege Operator pack
[Request]Reply message received on channel
[SDK] How get client ip from server
[SECURITY UPDATE] TeamSpeak 3 Client is Available
[ServerQuery] Check if user is banned by uid or cldbid.
[Suggestion] Toggle mute mic or toggle PTT with hardware button
[Translators] Native French speakers wanted
[TS3] Headset not noisy at times
[Updated] Chat bot Mambo - IRC style bot for Teamspeak 3
[URGENT] How to Remove Server Host Message
1 seconds
1911 45ACP Handguns from $329 shipped
2 diffrenet ip in one teamspeak server
2 TS3 server 1 IP
2 users on same network cannot connect to my ts3 server
28 Maximum Clients?
3.0.12 beta server
3.0.17 Failed to connect to server client stopped working Windows 7 ultimate
300 New Genetically Modified Vaccines by 2023
3D Sound - distanceFactor and rolloffScale research
40-45% fps drop ingames just from starting teamspeak3
4K / UHD Display Resolution
4s Disconnected during use
600 rds. 7.62x39mm 124 Grain FMJ Ammo with Plastic Can - $150.09 shipped
64Bit Server upgrade query
7.1 Headset is not working
A couple questions...
A good teamspeak viewer script?
A MUST have option for TTS!!!! (Text-to-speech)
A problem with permissions.
A question
A way to save server settings?
Ability for TTS to read actual messages
Ability to Right click and copy peoples names
Ability to turn off DisconnectMessage server-side
abount restrict access
About Ban Permament and guest permission system
About hack and serious question
About TeamSpeak puzzles
About to release a new Java admin bot with plugin support
Access the Client with C#
Access to channel permissions tab
Account ID
Accounting issue with NPL Licensure
Accounting server cannot be reached since 2016-01-27
Add a Tray Icon animation for unread Poke/Chat messages
Add more details in log files
add ts3 server to tsviewer without port
Adding a client to an admin group through server query
Adding custom button with url onto skin?
Adding custom variable to clientinfo.tpl
Adding godaddy domain to teamspeak server
Adding New Emoticon
Admin rank can add/remove other admin but cant add/remove lower ranks
Administration tools
Admins unable to demote themselves
Advanced Clotting Sponge (Stops Bleeding Fast) - $11.97 shipped
AFK channel
AFK channel without a voice
After clearing cache
After restart connection failed
After Update
After updating to 3.0.17 Error tried to send oversized voice packet with opus music
all sound stops
All themes lost?
Allow Admin to Change Modify Permission When Creating a Channel
Allow Admins to only copy
Allow Guest access to specific group and deny access for other groups.
Allow poke only when user is in same channel
Allow the LUA Plugin to read TS3 settings
Allow voice activation on a forced push to talk server
Allowing "Guests" to create custom TEMPORARY channels in a spacer
Allowing a server group to 'Assign server groups'
allowing admins to edit channels
Already possible Adding Favourite Server Menu
Already possible Different volume in different server tabs
Already possible Disabling user search by keyboard
Already possible Include clientedit function in client query
Already possible PTT switch to Continues Hotkey
Already possible Smart Improvement for all the Gamers
Already possible Suggestion
Already possible Two iOS suggestions
Always crashing :(
Amazon echo plugin
and disconnected a few secs later
and i can't change anything.
Android Galaxy S2 v Crash
Android Marshmallow (6.0) support?
android-app:// URL?
Another "Failed to Connect to Server" post
Another suggestion
Any experience with Mossberg 930 SPX?
Any way to watch the debate without Cable?
anybody using this cheap sharpener?
App Crashes
App error 000014cd
App Store Hack "XcodeGhost"
Are all avatars
Are there setting for poke
Arre you some kind of a constitutionalist or crazy guy
Assistance with Admin rights
ASUS Xonar USB audio card -> Static/Electricity noise on microphone[AUDIO SAMPLE]
Audio lag and slow to connect/load server
Audio Repeater/amplifier
Audio-Technica AT2020USB PLUS Mic Issue in only teamspeak
Audio-Technica AT2020USB PLUS Mic Issue in only teamspeak (muffled)
austostart script?
Auto assign groups after time
Auto rejoin channel after being moved
Auto-Reply on first message only
AutoAssing Channel Group of a Channel to a Server Group
Autocorrect keyboard entry support for iOS.
Automated channel creation upon receiving donation.
Automatic add a server to the favorite list ?
automatic max clients change
Autostart script on reboot
Avatar showing grey circle?
Avatars Plugin
AVG killed my pc
b_channel_create_temporary isn't working
Backup Servers?
Bad Audio Quality in TS with USB Studio Mic
Bad Mic Quality in TS3?
bad quality in TS3
Ban character in a front of nickname
Ban list for website
Banning all NON-ASCII chars in nicknames
Banning people without clicking their name.
bash script to backup ts3 settings
Becoming an Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP)
Been googling QNAP Teamspeak 3 with no succes..
before everything works fine
Before I buy
Benchmade HK Knives Instigator - $31.57 + Free S/H over $35
Benefits over Discord?
Best compiler for Teamspeak Plugins?
Best way for : 4 squad + a "commander room"
Big bug ??
BigBlueButton (FreeSWITCH)
bind failed on
Bizarre connection problem
Blemished Firearms Tracked By Wikiarms
Block connections by VPN
Blocked connection to the ts3 server under OpenVZ
Blue Lamp Problems
Blue Yeti
Bluesky template?
Bookmarked Server with Default Channel - Permissions?
Bookmarks folders should opens when you click on them
Boot start using Upstart in Ubuntu 12.04
Bosch / Harbor freight ??
Bot or Plugin to log clients information
Bug Report
BUG REPORT: TS3 Client crashes reproducable if connection is lost (auto reconnect)
but can't connect
but can't use them.
but fail to reconnect.
but not modify a certain group.
but not on Mac!
but only in TS
but still non-profit?
but wizard shows mic and detects voice
Camo Nylon Sheath - $29.26 shipped
can connect to all servers except one server
Can give/take server groups
Can I connect to ts3_sdk_3.0.3.2 server with the TS3 windows client?
Can i get profit from third-party softwarre?
Can I run 2 free 32 slots TS3 sever
Can it Be Reset?
Can no longer find server
Can not change permissions "insufficient permission modify power"
Can not connect to a server with new internet connection
can not connect to server .... new ts3 free server
Can not reconnect after external IP-change.
Can not use teamspeak on Mac
Can only change server group in default channel
Can only connect once to my server. Connection Problems.
can someone explain to me why on top's knives
Can someone help me to setup a server for Counter Strike
Can Two Separate TS Servers Communicate w Each Other
Can't assign server groups - taken away by another admin?
Can't bind Left Windows key anymore...
Can't change i_client_move_power
can't connect
Can't connect on server
Can't connect to servers
Can't connect to ""
Can't connect to a certain TS Server.
Can't connect to a server
Can't connect to a server in particual
Can't connect to a sever
Can't connect to any server
Can't connect to any server with Powerline Adapter
Can't connect to any servers :/
Can't connect to any teamspeak server
Can't connect to any Teamspeak Server.
can't connect to certain Teamspeak servers
Can't connect to my own server
Can't connect to MySQL server anymore
Can't connect to own server
Can't connect to Russian IP
Can't Connect to server
Can't Connect to Server Anymore
Can't connect to single TS3 server with DNS or IP
Can't connect to specific server
Can't connect to teamspeak
Can't edit channels
Can't enter server
Can't find Realtek High Definition Audio Codecs Download
Can't find TS3Client folder to backup bookmarks
can't get and print CONNECTION_CLIENT_IP
can't get back on!!
Can't get teamspeak to recognize microphone
Can't hear people after crash.
Can't launch exe Teamspeak -> A referral was returned by the server Win 8.1
Can't login in my account...
Can't mute clients 3.0.17
Can't open teamspeak
Can't open teamspeak 3.0.20 on Android 4.04
Can't open teamspeak in linux.
Can't speak in that channel
Can't upload avatar
Can't upload icons bigger than 8kb
Can't use normal Keys for Hotkeys
Can't use the Right-click to access the context menu
Can´t hear my friends voices in the recorded files
Cann`t connect to foreign server
Cannot connect as server query
Cannot connect to a server I've been using for months with no issues
Cannot connect to a specific server
Cannot connect to any server! Please Help!!
Cannot connect to any servers
Cannot connect to any servers =/
Cannot connect to certain servers.
Cannot connect to new server
Cannot Connect to Own Server Using External IP Address
Cannot connect to Server
Cannot connect to servers after installing a new modem.
Cannot edit server group ''Server Admin''
cannot hear game in headset
Cannot resolve host name
Cannot send private messages over app
Cannot speak : /
Cannot start server at all - Logs and core included
Cannot talk when Channel or User is highlighted
canot start server need your help
Cant connect server
Cant connect to a server.
cant connect to a specific TS3 server
Cant connect to certain teamspeak server
Cant connect to Server
Cant connect to server on ios
Cant connect to server when i just bought dedicated server
Cant connect to single teamspeak server
Cant delete channel as admin
cant edit.
cant find any solution
Cant get admin server query group
Cant get TS server to start on boot
Cant modiify Delete All Ban Rules and I am the master Server Admin/owner
Cant open TS3 Client after installing update
Cant see Channel permissions
Cant turn off surround sound
Cant use CTRL + C since i updated TS
Cant use microphone?
Cant't close windows
CentOS 6.7 - GLIBCXX_3.4.15 not found
CentOS6 (OVH Release3) - TeamSpeak³ to MySQL -
Century Arms Fury II 12 Ga Semi-Auto Shotgun As Low As $369
Chance the looks of the teamspeak
Change Admin Query password
Change channel name every minute.
Change Client Permission With lua
Change Disconnect Message as an admin
Change font size in chat?
Change Icon ID of client
Change of Ownership
Change query password by command
Change Server Query Password
Change Welcome Message Admin Permission
Changed Query admin modify permission... how to change it back?
changing banner script
Changing Description length limitation
Changing TeamSpeak Disconnect Message (OS X)
Channel Admin asigns channel group
Channel Admin move other to own channel
Channel Admin Permission Help
Channel admins can't create child
Channel admins create child
Channel checkmark colors?
Channel create permissions and auto-delete plugin
Channel group add Power
Channel Group Mute?
Channel Group Permissions
Channel Group should see Users in Sub-Channels
Channel groups
Channel groups to stay among sub channels
Channel hieding does not work!
Channel Icons
Channel id php
Channel join power question
channel scan and report plug in
Channel-Repeater // listen to a channel
Channel/Lobby Music Options in the future?
Channels not in line
Chat Colors
Chat partner disconnected out of view
chat text to speech?
Chatcrash on Teamspeak3 Android
check user
Chiappa Firearms Little Badger 22LR 16.5" from $174.52
claims discrimination made
clean and simple Client
CLID from Name ClientQuery
Client Bug - Playback profile lvolume slider doesn´t respect switching tabs
client bugged on permissions
client connection info....retrieveing data
Client Crash
Client Crash when try to edit the header of server
Client Crashes and Doesn't Respond Upon Mic Test
Client crashes when I open any folder [Windows 10]
Client Description updates using TS3 PHP Framework
Client disconnect on avatar change (v3.0.18.2)
Client Disconnect on User Right-Click
Client does not have the right permissions
Client does not update
Client Error Issues
Client freezes
Client in channel group
Client is laggy since 3.0.18
Client Permissions are white
Client Query Question
Client says Speakers/Headphones Disabled Need help.
Client still can open ServerQuery user connection info context menu
Client won't accept my Headphones
Client_Query Plugin ==>> channellist
Clients can't 'receive' Icons.
Clients get disconnected (exploit?)
Clients getting channel modify password power
Clients losing connection at random times.
Collected URLs
Color Change
complaint: opened ticket was moved to solved
computer sound heard.
conflict between Teamspeak 3 and steam
conflict between Teamspeak 3 and steam on Win10
Connect teamspeak 3 via proxy
Connect to ServerQuery (with SFML)
Connection Informations doen't disappear in OS X
Connection Issues -
Connection problems
Connection refused on port 9987 but not 30033 & 10011
Connection to server lost every 1-30 mins
Connection/Latency problems - weird symptoms
Connects fine on PC
Constant Crashes
Constant disconnects / drops
Continuous Spam Protection Error Message
Contribution Link
Convert error
Copy Channels
copying chat line fast
Could not open capture device
Could not resolve host name
Could not resolve hostname
Couldnt connect to spezific server
Counting Addon Help
Crackling Sound while TS3 is open with my new G430 Headset
Crash during Identity Import/Export
Crash problem - LOGS INCLUDED
Crashing every time move someone to another channel
crashing on newest version
crazy mountain hermit
Create a DNS
Create Channe for World of Warcraft
Create channel problem with 3.0.19 on first connection to a server as SA.
Create Playlist for diferent channel
Create Temp Channel's with subscription power
Created channels from Query can't be edited
Creating a DNS entry to point to a TS3 IP adress
Creating a new channel
Critical error 3.0.12
critical payment error
Crontab job to autostart linux not working?
Cuomo Booed At Billy Joel Historic Concert
Current System Requirements
Custom Sound on TS3
CZ-USA 75 SP-01 Tactical 9mm Handgun from $579
Database programs
Dayz and teamspeak conflicting
DDoS against virtualserver - server doesn't accept new connections
DDoS on TS3 server application layer
DDOS Protection
DDOS Protection "increased protection level"
DDOS Protection "ncreased protection level"
default channel only for guests
Default feature does not work
Default Permissions
Default Permissions as an hoster?
Default Voice Activation Level
Deny sending a private message to a server query
Description image error?
Detailed welcome msg
Detects noise
Did another Handout
Did windows update stop LAN connection?
Did you know this?
Disable "power modification" from moderator group to a specific group
Disable Channel Chat only in a specify Channel
Disable File transfer and Encrypting
Disable filebrowser
Disable MaxClients
Disable poke for non admins
Disable right for start/stop/restart on virtual server
Disable server chat
Disconnect from server: parameter not found
Disconnected from server (convert error)
Disconnecting every minute
Discord like twitch sub sync (Explained in thread)
Discounted LWRC M6 223/5.56 Rifles @ CDNN Tracked By Wikiarms
Display Small in 4K UHD Screen
Distinguish Channel and Server group add/remove power
Distorted and Makes a Static Noise When Shouting/RaisingVoice.
DNS and IP
DNS Issues
Do Bose SoundSport in-ear headphones w/mic function properly with voice activation?
Do You Love God?
Does CNAME work with Teamspeak?
Does Mylar need to be stored in buckets?
Does not connect to the servers
does poke work ?
Does the option under tools add serverquery users? Why is it forbidden to talk about?
Does TS3 keep a log when someone deletes a channel within a server?
doesnt play it
Dogs vs wolves
domain etc
Domain forwarding
Domain won't connect
Donate button with link
dont have those rights
Download Not Working.
Download Profilepicture
Download Section
Dugout Shelter behind Fallen Tree Root Ball?
Dynamic channel permissions?
Eable Poke for all users.
Easier way to revoke Channel Group?
Easliy clean up old files - possible?
Echo on the comunication only whyle using TS3
Editing permissions so that users cannot leave server groups
Embedding Teamspeak 3 on Website
Encryption for Identities on client.
Encryption: The OpenSSL version included is quite outdated
Entry Point Not Found on XP
Error "Too many Slots hosted
Error ( Kernel32.dll )
Error (file input/output error)
Error 2816 after VPS reinstall
Error at connecting a server
Error connecting to server
Error entering a server
Error failed to connect to server.
Error on Downlad
Error open avatar or identities export or import
Error Opening File for Writing
Error resizing icon to 16x16
Error when attempting to connect to my server
Error When Starting Server
Error while deploying snapshot
Error With LUa Plugins (MAssPoke)
ERROR_failed_connection_initialisation while connection (Android)
error: invalid group ID
ErrorID: 1540 | Message: convert error
etc binder
Evaluation [Client] cosmetic issue
Evaluation Server log update? show names
even disconnected to any server
ever since i cant connect to a specific server
every sound is muted except TS3. (Logitech G35 / Win7)
Every time I open bf4
explain please!
Export from Xp and Importing in Linux Debian
Fail connect to server
Fail to connect to one server only
Fail to connect with server
FAiled ot connect to server since today
Failed to connect
Failed to connect (
Failed To Connect / Failed To Connect To Weblist Server
Failed to connect to ANY server.
Failed to connect to server
failed to connect to server )
Failed to Connect to server all of a sudden
Failed to connect to server error
Failed to connect to server!
Failed to connect to server!!! Please help!
Failed to convert string nan to float
Failed to resolve hostname
Failed to resolve hostname - yet another error
Failed to resolve hostname ''
Failed to resolve hostname ''
Failed to resolve hostname "
Failed to resolve hostname & Failed to connect to weblist server.
Failed to resolve hostname issue
Failing to connect to a server
failover: 2 teamspeaks with 2 mysql databases replicated on each other
Failure to connect to a specific server
Falied to connect to a server
Falied to connect to a server "temporary error during hostname resolution"
FBI: Middle Eastern men intimidating military families in CO and WY
Features for the permission system
Federal Auto Match .22 LR Ammunition - $21.99 (Limit 1)
File transfer and Encrypting
File Transfer Permissions
File Transfer Traffic
Filetransfer exploit?
Fine Edge - $28 shipped
Firewall setup for accounting servics (port 2008)
First AK
Fix for running server on Windows 10
Fixed Blade
Flag not showing up
Flame Thrower as an Urban Weapon.
Font Size
Food recommendation for camping
for protecting home and livestock.
Forced push to talk on channel
Forces me to chose my payback and mic device
forgot my server password
Forgot Server Query Password
Fort Hood troops headed to fight ISIS
Forum Rules Error
Forum: preg_replace
Fps Drop after in games after teamspeak message
Friend randomly cutting off
Friend's mic has static but only for me
Friendly Mute Button...
Future of TeamSpeak
G930 push to talk using g key
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server.
Game Icons only.
GameTracker Help
GameTracker Help failed_permid=23
Gaming Sound Question
Gave admin to some people. How to remove.
Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife
Gerber Bear Ultimate Pro Fixed Blade
Gerber Prodigy Tanto Serrated Edge Knife
Gerber warranty frustration help
Get channel ID from channel topic
Get Rid of give power with a new system
Get ServerQuery Logins back
Getting a insufficient client permissions error when joining a TS server.
Getting DDDos'd on all server i am
Getting Error While Searching For Client DB ID Using ServerQuery
Getting globalized makes senses all around
Getting ready to reformat/dualboot and need some tips
Getting Started with TEAMSPEAK first time
Give channel group more channel same time
Give channel group on entering specific channels
Given admin rights
Global Server Password
GMRS question
Got a BOL
Got another 5 star review!
Got hasty and didn't write down unique info
Grant 0 error
Grant accidentally set to 0 - cant remove permission.
Group editing permissions
Group Icons cant be uploaded
Group moving permissions
Group Permition Edit Error
Group Private Messaging
Groups bug
Guest can't do temporery channels
guest to voice in all channel group
Guest use of ServerQuerry serverinfo?
Guest users can change the groups themselves.
Guys need some help with audio
Guys pls help to fishy newbie :))
have a ts3channel:// Link similar to ts3client://
Have no Tabs anymore
Have to repurchase app after changing phone?
Having issues trying to create a server with NO-IP
Having issues with internal microphone on teamspeak
Having problems with resolving host name
Having trouble connecting to a specific server all of a sudden
Headset Disabling and Freezing with Logitech G35
Headset disconnects
Headset mic not working with TS3- works with all other apps
Heavy mic lag (robotic) + frequent disconnects
Hello from Cali
Hello from North Carolina!
Help 512 slots please
Help a newbie
HELP Failed to connect to server
Help me with A record for linking my domain to teamspeak
Help needed against people attacking my server
help needed with team speak reg page
help on Broadcast audio
Help setting up ts3 server on centos os
Help Soundboard/Message error
Help Start Stop Via Php help
Help with a Voice delay/cut out issue on Win 10 after an extended period of time.
Help with current song banner
Help with edit channels
Help with groups.
Help with LUA Plugin!
Help with simple Lua script
HELP!! I Can't Connect To My Own Server!!
Help!! When I talk too loud my mic gets very loud and distorted.
Hexamine stoves - any good?
Hi a need help i have a server Team Speak
Hidden files being showen in file browser
Hide "Guest" group from the group list
Hide some of console from visitors
Hide who connects/enters/leaves/disconnects from server from other users
High Ping for 10-15 seconds
High Ping ONLY in TS-Client
Higher pitch when joining servers
hits motrcycle cop
Hotkey Not Working In-Game
Hotkey Plugin API
Hotkey remapping on Linux [3.0.17]
Hotkeys not registering when the client isn't targeted
Houston Meet?
How can I allow to assign i_client_max_idletime to users?
How can i control my bot?
How can I limit who can find my server in the server list?
How could I go about having a live feed Teamspeak Banner?
How did someone find my server?
How do I Access Console? (hosted server from provider)
How do I change what group it will automaticly be after Guest group?
How do I edit power values for server groups?
How do I match a client ID with a user without digging around in the DB
How do I pack my teamspeak 3 with server/client settings and send over to others
How do I set up the TS3SDK with visual studio community ''15?
How do I Setup a Custom TS IP?
How do scopes get off over time??
How much gb deals a teamspeak?
how refresh client information
How to "lock" a server so those connecting get only a modal message?
How to add a new ServerQuery account with certain permissions?
How to auto shutdown teamspeak if someone kicks or bans someone
How to backup and import Server and client
How to be notified when local client start recording ?
How to change codec quality
How to change ip server listens on
How to change permission form code: i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality?
How to control the multiple room speaking sytem simultaneously
How to Convert Teamspeak from SQLite to MariaDB
How to create a group where I can't get removed from
How to display talk power and any other permissions in the client info ?
How to Duplicate a ServerGroup
How to get current Identity?
how to get file transfer working???
How to get message notifications?
How to get my External IP Working (The Million Dollar Question)
how to get playback from speakers to headset
How to get TS overlay to work correctly? Game fades to background when overlay on.
How to hide my IP address on a Teamspeak server
How to hide Server IP in Client Connection Info
How to install Teamspeak 3 skins
How to let people receive whispers but not send them?
How to make a Server Group that no other group can add someone/edit the group
How to make a tag give out certain tags....
How to make a translation ?
How to make it so I can't be banned from my teamspeak?
how to make my own ts3 server
How to make perma ban overwrite temp ban ?
How to make Teamspeak 4k friendly?
How to make that one group can give groups to itself and not to other people
How to monitor with pingdom
How to move window to display 2
How to play music in ts3 channel
How to prevent banned IPs from getting back on.
How to prevent users from granting Skip Permission
How to protect against DDOS
How to protect my server againt "string" attacks
How to remove Permissions to Move a User to a CERTAIN Channel
How to renew license NPL
How to report a 0day exploit for the latest stable Client?
How to resize the window with a list of channels?
How to restore an server with ts3server.sqlitedb
How to save the channels password on the android client
How to send message on web?
How to set add power for channel groups.
How to set i_channel_join_power permission in a channel group
How to setup a TS3 Server on a Webhost?
How to show community activity?
How to submit a bug report?
How to tell if you have Admin privileges
How to update my server
Howard Leight QB2HYG-1 Quiet Band - $5.39 shipped
Http not working 2nd post
Huge packet loss ts3
I am getting a bit burned by Netflix
I am not allowed to post guides on setting up advanced permissions ?
I can connect to teamspeak but others cant?
I can not change Server Groups
I can not hear other players
I can't connect to 1 particular server
I can't connect to a server
I can't connect to a specific server
I can't connect to my server
I can't connect to two servers on PC
I can't install plugins.
I can't open Teamspeak 3 anymore HELP
I cannot access a server
I cannot hear sounds in my headphones.
I cant connect to my own server
I cant hear everything that other people are saying.
I deleted my default teamspeak identity
i dont understand
I get the error does not respond
I get: Failed to connect to server all the time i try to join the server :(
I have had it UP TO HERE with TeamSpeak wars.
I have some problems with my spacers
I just got poked by someone not on my server? Hacker?
I keep getting the "Failed to resolve hostname" error
I know a community group using a cracked TS3 license
I need a TeamSpeak attendance
i need help with guest/guild/officer settings.
I want a specific group be able to assign themself to some groups
I want to know TSDNS use
i_group_needed_member_add_power.. are on 75 default??
Icon Errors?
Icon Issue
Icon Search
Icon Size Setting
Icon's (file transfer connection timeout)
Icons in channel description are blocked
Icons of some games
icons Questions
IdleTime from ClientQuery?
If i talking via Push to Talk
If Teamspeak is online
if this was covered direct to correct forum
Illegal alien burns Texas patrol car
Illegal TS3 Hosting by "GamersVoip"
Images or Icons broken since
Impossible to connect to any server
Improve channel sorting
Incessant beeping sound when talking
incomplete form
incomplete form on npl request
Incorrect Server Password
Increase home server over 32 Slot
Increase the number of "Host Button"
Infuriating problem - initial sound cuts out for a second
Insane static noise with TS.
Installed soundpack not listed?
Installing Plugins problem
insufficient client permissions (failed on b_channel_join_permanent)
insufficient client permissions (failed on i_channel_join_power)
Insufficient Permission (Failed In i_client_needed_permission_modify_power)
insufficient permission modify power as the 2nd admin
insufficient permission modify power server admin
Insufficient security level AFTER i imported high security level identy
Intermittent packet loss
Internal mic (no headset) on remote laptop sending back speaker output to all clients
Internal strikers for guns
Invalid Password but its valid?
Invalid sub power?
Invisible ClientUI
Invitation help
iOS 9 Bluetooth microphone audio is glitchy / scratchy
iOS 9 User Voice Volume Low
iOS app unable to connect to any server client to old!
iOS Client Freezes when trying to connect to a Server
iOS Status update
iran team speak bug
is htere a way to make it no talk
Is it possible to change "User has entered your channel"
Is it possible to change text formating of specific users?
Is it possible to create a Channel Group that prevents a user from leaving?
Is it possible to make a server ask for tokens after using auto generated token ?
Is it Possible to Mute Others While I am talking?
Is it possible to trick the client input hardware?
Is There A Way To Change A Program Specific TeamSpeak Hotkey?
is there a way to get it back?
is there a way to reduce audio quality ? (client side)
Is there an in-game chat plugin?
Is there such permission "ask for token on connection" ?
Is this legal to do?
Is this possible?
Is war on ISIS working?
Issue with a Teamspeak Server
Issues in ts3 calls with around 5 people in +
Issues on windows 7 x64
Issues opening app
Issues Updating TS3 to
Issues with crossfire add on and windows 10
Issues with Paste from clipboard
it now crashes upon startup
Jelly Roll Damascus Bowie
Joe Jackson
Joining server from site and automatic channel change
Joomla Plugin Not Seeing Clients
JTS3ServerMod Problem
Keep track of abusive users
Kick Players From ArmA Server If Not In TeamSpeak
Kraken 7.1 Chroma Headphones don't work
Lag / incoming packet loss on "some" servers / Failed to connect
Laravel and opensource)
Last Sunday's Hike
Latest server release dies unexpected after 13 minutes
latest update caused my mic to not work on my headset (Logitech G930)
Laymen explanation on Team speak
League of Legends Icon Pack [Champions + Ranks]
Letting a "normal" group change their server group.
Lexus Hoverboard is 2 gigs in size
License & Failed to Connect to Server
License key not work
Limit channel creation to be within a spacer
Limit virtual server space
Link to the previous version of TeamSpeak please?
linking my custom domain to my Teamspeak server.
Linux Mint
List Querry users and remove one
Little confusion about value and grant on boolean
loading VirtualServer(1) failed to start
Local Server Stops working
Locale question
Logging Feature in disabled?
Logging In Using Client TS3
Logitech G230 Mute Problem
Logitech G430
Logs (chats) don't save
Logs don't save
Looking for ICON 16x16 Trophy
Looking for icons
Losing Admin
Losing identity on windows 10 update
Loss of server connection
Lost Admin permissions and Guest can't use Keys
Lost identity files
Lua doesn't take ... as args?
Lua menu items questions
Lua print output
M1 "tanker" in 308 loading problem
Mac 10.5.8 Can not run Teamspeak?
Mac Hotkey Problems
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Version 10.6.3
Mac Ts Question
Macbook Pro 2015 and Tritton microphone robotic
Main password to server access
Major packet loss
Make capslock work again as PTT for v. 3.0.17+
making TeamSpeak flash in task bar.
Manage the rights (ban and kick)
many windows generating
MariaDB 10.0 Support
Mass Poke doesnt work error
Massive FPS Lag with CS:GO when Teamspeak3 is open.
Massive packetloss with my teamspeak server !
Master volume keeps resetting
Max Nick length?
Max Users/Family Max Users on a channel group
Maxclients and server IP
Maybe port problem... "Failed to connect to server"
Member Add Power
Mic disabled
Mic does not work
mic does not work after connecting to a ts3-server
Mic doesn't work after using soundboard.
Mic fine with windows recording
Mic in TS Cutting Out While Playing Games
Mic is muffled when speaking/shouting loud.
Mic muted
Mic muting all the time...
MIC not working on TS
mic stopped working
Mic stops working when someone speaks
Microphone dies after joining a teamspeak server
microphone disable while microphone is not mute
Microphone disabled
Microphone Disabled in TS3
Microphone Goes Fuzzy
Microphone not working when using app
Microphone problem
Microphone problem voice is low
Microphone producing sound from headset?
Microphone redundancy
Microphone sounds chopped
microphone sounds like a robot
Microphone stops working after playing a sound from the soundboard.
Microphone suddenly disabled
Microphone Toggle
Microphone will randomly stop working
MIDI Piano keyboard to Teamspeak 3
Mikrofon funktioniert nicht nach Verbindung mit Server
missing signal in connectioninfodialog
MKE - HK Licensed Production - Experience/opinions
Mobile: Android: 3.0.19
Moderator can set himself as Channel Admin (that's bad)
Moderators + adding server groups
Modern text chat
Modifiing current G15 TS-Plugin / New Plugin announced
Modmic -> Teamspeak 3.0 voice too silent - ingame (CS GO) too loud
ModMic and Robot Voice
Mono to surround (if available)
More about lever actions
More than 2 weeks+ still can't use teamspeak 3...
Mosin Nagant M44 M91/30 Stripper clip Pack Of 5 - $4.34 + Free Shipping
Move all new temp channels below a specific channel
move has to be accepted
Move multiple users into second group and send message to all users.
move online users from a group to a channel
Move permissions question
Move to another channel
Moving a Teamspeak server into a FTP web hosting site
Moving players to a password protected channel
Moving the server?
Moving to new server (redirecting)
MSI Nahimic Program freezes teamspeak
Multiple admin groups & their permissions [ISSUE]
Multiple clients.
Multiple servers [Teamspeak]
Multiple SRV Records for Redundancy
Multiple teamspeak 3 servers
Multiple VS over Multiple IP
Multithreading while increasing security? (Debian client)
Music bot
MusicBot Help
Mute microphone audio indicator
Mute Select Channel Members
Muted when Usersession gets locked
My android app won't connect
My Bank Ran Out of Cash on Monday!
My Client crashes reproducable if connection is lost (auto reconnect)
My client does crash since 3.0.17 (also 3.0.18 &
My friend cant connect to ts server but others can.
My friends hear my voice with cuts
My ghetto rocket stove
My Ip Problem or my country Ip problem?
My kit
my mic becomes open in TS3
My Mic Sounds Like Crap On TS
My mic will not work at all!
My passworded Teamspeak Server keeps getting reset?
My server does not start
my server doesn't start with NPL?
my server not showing in server list
My sounds
My teamspeak gets delayed after a while.
My TeamSpeak is Crashed Help Please. I need attention in Spanish
My TS keeps crashing
My TS3 keeps connecting to server I have already deleted from my bookmarks
Need a permission "b_client_serveraddress_view"
Need help
need Help please!! cant get TS server to start on boot
Need Help whit "insufficient client permissions"
Need help with database
Need Help with Recorded Incoming Audio
Need help!!!
Need older Server version for restore
Need some help with server admin Groups
Need support to assign channel permissions
Need to organize this forum.
Need to Reset Password
NEW BUG: Windows 10 or MSI Ghost Pro
New From PA
New IP but still identified on server?
New Private Server Setup?!?!
New ServerQuery Group
NEW Teamspeak 3 Webinterface from DeAth MaNns
New TeamSpeak Update Doesn't Let Me Connect To Server
NEW Teamspeak3 Webinterface from
NEW Teamspeak3 Webinterface is comming from
New to okc/survival
new to the forum i thought i would share ...
New to this. no idea what to do. Help please.
New UI
New version of teamspeak will not open.
Newest TeamSpeak 3 won't open
Newest update
No "Connect" button
No Bug All shown as missing
No Bug Bug : Import identities/export/set avatar
No Bug Can not connect to specific server
No Bug Can't connect to a specific server.
No Bug Connection Lost
No Bug Error
No Bug Error with banning people.
No Bug GUI elements missing
No Bug Overwolf "activate" icon is missing
No Bug RSS in yields error 404 not found
No Bug Server 3.0.12 (Binary name has changed)
No Bug Soundboard Plugin On mac
No Bug Taskbar won't hide when being poked
No Bug TS Broken and I can't uninstall it to fix it.
No Bug TS3 usage in China
No Bug TS3-Client v.3.0.18 - Client Permissions Not Shown Properly
No Bug TS3ANetwork Error -3
No Bug Unable to connect or keep connection to a specific server.
No Bug Virus in Teamspeak 3 installer
No connection from aborad?
No connection to server from my client
No crashes until 3.0.16 but since 3.0.17 arrived it does.
No Gfx Banner with custom skin enabled
No longer able to connect to Local Server
No longer able to connect to server - Seems problem with accounting
No longer picking up most noises from my G430 Logitech Headset
no port issues not sure where to go
No Sound in Game or No Headphones in TS3
No sound in games while in TS3 Server (Windows 8.1)
no sound in TS only
No Sound when Joining a Channel
No sound while teamspeak is running
no sounds in Windows
no sounds in Windows.
No specific person has access to the server
no Tabs
no task force radio deployed on server ????
No way to preview Teamspeak Themes?
Nobody can connect to my server
Nobody can connect to new server
Noise at low volume voice detection
Non profit license with two Server
Non profit Teamspeak 3 license
Non-Responsive when Talk power Pop-up appears
North Carolina Oath Keepers
Not able to import Identity Android 6.0.1 Nexus 5
Not able to login with Server Query Admin even after changing password
Not able to open exe file?
not able to view icons or avatars.
Not letting me connect to any server.
Not possible adding a google spreadsheet to channel description
Not possible Adding custom link (like Connections/Bookmarks/Self etc.)
Not possible Admin always visible
Not possible Any way to block or prevent Host Message or welcome message
Not possible Autoreconnect delay timer
Not possible can't startup my steamspeak 3 server on rasbian
Not possible Change Channel name max Lenght
Not possible Change name via command and notification question
Not possible Channel expansion setting does not work
Not possible Channel Permissions ('invisible' room)
Not possible Checking if user is connected to other servers too
Not possible Description Function for say
Not possible Display user audio output
Not possible Do not see server GUI
Not possible Enable Channel logging
Not possible File browser image preview
Not possible File transfer security / extension limits
Not possible Group giving group for client
Not possible How can I use a gamepad PTT and a Dead Key PTT simultaneously?
Not possible How do i set a push to talk hotkey
Not possible How to deny users to Delete Icons
Not possible how to listen to a seperate channel
Not possible How to save information about voice chat
Not possible How to turn off some plugins on a server?
Not possible http as address not working
Not possible Increasing group modify and client permission modify above 75
Not possible Is it possible to only record others voices and not my own voice withing teamspeak 3?
Not possible Keep Server Running While Laptop is Shut Down
Not possible Keep temp channels after restart
Not possible Limit max user can be set in a channel
Not possible Listen on port under 1000?
Not possible Microphone mutes wen the pc is locked
Not possible More details in log files
Not possible Multiple servers?
Not possible name on welcome message
Not possible Networked command chat between multiple Teamspeak servers?
Not possible No database in server folder
Not possible Query: Sound cue for Profile change
Not possible Removing Overwolf icon via sever setting
Not possible Router ports needed for client
Not possible Selfe Expanding channels
Not possible Server backup does not work
Not possible Server does not log switched channel.
Not possible Server Recording All Voice Chat's
Not possible Set notifications per channel?
Not possible Setting Channel Join Power as Client Permission to max value
Not possible Setting to not delete complains?
Not possible Show privilege key dialog (on connect) via permission
Not possible TeamSpeak Client not starting on Rasbian
Not possible Text to Speech english / install costum?
Not possible TS3 App not starting; bought at Amazon
Not possible Using same snapshot for multiple ts3 virtual servers / How to edit template server
Not possible Want to upload my icons
Not possible What Is The Teamspeak Logo Font Called?
Not possible whisper to all channels?
Not possible Whitelist or Blacklist on Channels
Not Supported how 2 change settings path?
Not Supported How to obtain someone's Avatar?
Not Supported was removed?
Not Supported More Global Query Clients
Not Supported Searching Luaplugin update
Not Supported Server on NAS (AS-202T)?
Not working
Nothing changed but no connection possible
nothing in logs?
NPL license
NPL License denied
NPL Website?
NPL: Player donations
Odd mouse conflict with Saitek x52 Pro and TS
offered solution does not work
Official Teamspeak VPN Ban?
Offline player banning
Old ammo site
old server connects with domain after pointing domain to other server
on 2 seperate VPS?
on one VPS
On Todo Microphone redundancy (BT mode does use internal Mic)
On Todo Server crashes (virtualserverbase.cpp:2381)
On Todo Ver. freezing if one or more channel have images in the description.
One mistake with permission
Online since issue after moving my server
only "guest" group is there.
Only one person talk at any given time (big server with many ppl) - TeamSpeak 3
Only people on the same area on the same ISP CAN NOT connect.
onUpdateClientEvent crashes Client
Opening expired canned vegetables and dehydrating
Option to connect with SDK Client to Server
or at least the chance of one
OS X Client crashes random after some hours
Other applications muted after opening Teamspeak?
Other people hear cross talk form others even though using a headset
Other people's (and my bot's) sound goes off whenever I talk?
Other users can't see my custom teamspeak icons. Please help.
Other way to buy?
Overlay that shows mic status only?
Own addon category for emoticons + Allow use of multiple emoticon packs at once
Own Server Connection Problems
Owner premission
Ownership of Teamspeak
Packaged plugin fails to activate after installation
Packet Loss
Packet loss (out) spikes between 40-70%
Packett loss!
pellet gun speedloader?
People only hear me on their left earphone
People trying to join my server
Peoples voices cutting out when i am talking.
Periodically one of my tabs disconnects and cannot reconnect unless I close it
Permission Issues
Permission problems
Permission to 3 clans
Permission to Unban
Permissions are Simplified?
Permissions for my virtual servers.
Permissions in my TeamSpeak
Permissions not limited
Permissions problem :/
permits ts3 help
Personal Volume Problem
Phone from TS?
PHP framework loops connection for some reason
php protected object
PHP TS3 Framework Client Bandwith Last Second
playWaveFile: ERROR_OK but not playing anything
playWaveFile: WavePlayData::initCallback received error 2316
Please explain how this is still legal..
Please help
please help ):
please help!
Please help! Big bug..
Plugin communication
Plugin for Shoutcast
Plugin of mass poke?
Plugin to kick users who are in a channel too long.
Plugin to launch/execute program on server
Plugins not showing up
Poke Auto Responder Help
Poke power
poke window in back of the ts client
port 9987 not working
Port Forwarding
Port not opening and cannot connect
Portable Meals in a Bucket
Ports Aren't Working?
Ports closing as soon as server starts
Possible to have a notification sent to me if someone speaks?
Possible to have Secret Server/Super Admin power?
Possible to increase the font/DPI of this?
Possible to show all users their avatars on a webpage?
Powers are set
Prevent moving to channel
Prevent server group to move users from some channels
PreviewWidget and general questions
Priority Speaker
Private Message Question
privilege keys/and connection issues
Privilige Key System
probleam in connect serverquery php
Problem found with TS3 Windows Server 3.0.12 64 bit
Problem outputting sound to Astro Mixamp after latest update
Problem to connect to Standard-Port TS-Server
Problem when talking
Problem with connection. "Failed to connect to server/SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful"
Problem with group modify power permission
Problem with loading licenskey.dat
Problem with microphone on Windows 10
Problem with Modify Power
Problem with mono microphone
Problem with my microphone
Problem with Names
Problem with permision moderator
Problem with Permission System
Problem with starting TS3
Problem with the license NPL
Problem with ts
Problem with TS3 client window size.
Problem with TS3 Recording tool
Problem with ui
Problem with Win2012 TS3 Server
Problem within NewsHTTPDownload
Problème Teamspeak Windows10
Problems using G930 on Windows 8
Problems with DNS
Problems with update and instalation of client
Progressive desync when recording
Proper backup?
PSA Summer Sale
PTT and opening links with Windows 10.
PTT broken on windows since updated to
PTT key gets stuck when I have two bindings for PTT
PTT on a Remote PC
PTT on Mac broken
Publicly script displays client_base64HashClientUID
purging server logs
Push to talk & Voice Rec. work in test but not in USE? Continuous workd fine???
Push to talk doesn't run with Mouse Hotkeys
Push to talk glitch
Push to talk not working correctly.
Push-To-Talk Activation Issue
Push-to-talk delay resets to 0
Push-To-Talk On
Querry about permissions
Query | channellist -icon returns a minus number for icon IDs
Question | How can I save my Favorites?
Question about copyright
Question about Team Speak skins
Question about users and admin power
Question in regards to system sounds
Question regarding Icons
Question using the JTS3ServerMod
Queued voice mode?
QuikClot Sport
Radio Static + Ping Noise begin once I opened CS:GO
Rainbow Six Siege / TS3 Performance Issue
Random connection losses while being on teamspeak
Random disconnect's after being connected..
Random disconnects
Random Identity Change
Random packet loss IN or out with low ping and fiber
Random Reboots
Random server crash
Random Server Crashes
Randomly cannot connect to any teamspeak server anymore.
Razer Kraken USB headset mic loud crackling
RC Icon Pack (Grades (From 1 To 55) & Normal Ranks & Admin Ranks)
Receiving any notification
Recover from dead Ubuntu server
Redirect when server is down
Regain/Reset serve password.
Reinstalled TS
Rejected Countries under the the UK flag
Rejected Get Rid of add power with a new system
Rejected Have the option to mix stereo input to mono
Rejected No Sound in Teamspeak when i activate Task Force Radio
Rejected Permissons about using plugin
Rejected Show whos talking WINDOW NOT OVERLAY
Rejected Suggestions to Channel Descriptions (BBcode showing website)
Remove garnt talk power in a specific channel
Remove Overwulf Icon
Removed Grant on needed poke power
Removing Overwatch icon
Republican senator just proposed a gun bill with unlikely support
Request - Plugin to Call out an Admin
Request for supporting multiple SRV record priority
Request simple php page
Request support plugin (when user joins a channel)
Reset Permissions / New Privilege Key
Reset Query password
Resolved 0day exploit in client 3.0.0 -
Resolved Allow Guest to join specific channels only
Resolved Can TS3 Windows Licence be used on Linux?
Resolved Cant connect to specific server
Resolved Error ( Kernel32.dll ) on XP
Resolved How to set channel permissions via ServerQuery
Resolved Let people change their description
Resolved Missing permissions in GUI
Resolved PTT isn't working
Resolved Server send Viruses via Host Message
Resolved Server shuts down every hour (License expired)
Resolved servergroupaddperm for 2grant" not working as expected
Resolved Teamspeak Asks for hardware
Resolved Unable to find valid license key. (Don't use a license)
Resolved When I talk too loud my mic gets very loud and distorted.
restart server every 2h
Restricting Member Add/Remove Power to only channel groups
Return program to original default
Rights of a client are no longer visible
Robotoc sound on my G930
Run client from console without gui ?
RuneScape 2007 Gold increasing problems
Running TS3 Server on ubuntu 15.04
Same channel group in different channels!
Screen keeps turning off when using app
SDK Client - TSCOMMAND_SOLVE_PUZZLE data too large
SDK Examples (Evaluation)
SDK Examples for C#?
SDK In Android(Java) :Error getting soundbackends...
SDK Plugin Dev: getClientVariableAsInt(): 1540; ERROR_parameter_convert
SDK Plugin: ts3Functions.setChannelVariableAsString() not working
SDK: Example plugin not loading.
Searching for a specific icon pack
Searching: Addon to give yourself ranks via Website
Security Breach
Security level increase form 34 to 36
See all communication on the server?
Seeing IP's of people connecting to a server
Selectable default chat channel
Sell your prepper ideas/invention
Semi Permanent Channel - Temp Channel Group modify channel denied
Send Admin a message when they join a room!
Send radio mic clicks at the end of transmission
Send Voice to Headset and Games to speaker
Sennheiser PC320 rustles from time to time while talking in Teamspeak
Serious Permissions Problem (Latest TS3 Client Windows)
Server regularly crash on Windows (read invalid packet size)
Server 3.0.12 crash CRITICAL ServerParser
Server 3.0.12 crash Permissions denied
Server Admin error on Client connect with Query Group
Server Admin Perms Not Working Plz help
Server Admin Server Group does not have total control over Permissions
Server asks for Priviledge key
Server Banner doesn't show - even if I give any Banner
Server changing channel passwords
Server Connection Issue.
server connection issues
Server crash (Assertion failed)
Server crashes
Server Creation Problems
Server Custom ToolBar
Server Dibian 8 + TS3 Server + NPL Licence
Server does not accpet license
Server does not start with init.d on Ubuntu 14.04
Server failing to connect to accounting server
Server Group Add & Remove Problem
Server Group Assigning Bot (HELP)
Server group cannot change channel group when channel admin
Server Group color
Server group permission problem
server group to deny access to a common channel
Server groups assign power
Server groups being wiped every day
Server groups list order
Server has been shut down: Server Shutdown!
Server History List
Server Icon Help
Server icons and avatars not loading. Nothin works I googled.
Server Installation Issues (CentOS)
Server is viewable
Server Kick Help
Server kicking outside users when logged on using same ip
Server launch but can't connect [Debian]
Server Licence won't load
Server licensing without iOS purchase
Server listens to all my domains.
Server Log
Server Log greyed out
Server log update?
Server logs (no entry)
Server not allowing anyone to connect
Server Performance
Server Port
Server Querry | Can't add permission to server admin group
Server Query
Server Query Group Events
Server Query hack
Server Query how can i add a group?
Server Query: Have a command option for clientlist to include client_description
Server Query: Receive Text from any channel
Server questions
Server quits silently with MariaDB setting wait_timeout < 1620 and DB Server restart
Server randomly drops crash / drop all connection
Server Runnings
Server saves users into DB even when they did not know the password
Server Setup Problems
Server shows its own local IP for clients
Server shuts down every hour
Server slots
Server Stays Local And Doesn't Connect to the Cloud Anymore
Server stops "bind failed: 9987"
Server stops every 3 hours.
Server Switch
Server voice quality default config value
Server with Multiple Interfaces and voice_ip
ServerAdmin Group somehow has a Permission Granted Power of 0?
Serveradmin powerless after host change
serveradmin reconnecting every second
servergroupaddperm not working as expected
servergroups for offline clients in Server Query "clientdbinfo"?
Serverquery servernotifyregister events list ?
ServerQuery-User Permissions?
Servers Stops On Startup With NPL Active
Set avatar of user via server query
Set permisisons for multiple groups on all servers
Set Server Group Problem.
Set up a TS3 server on linux?
Set up a TS3 server with the newest Teamspeak ( DigitalOcean )
Set Version =/ Kick
Setting Max Time for a Temporary Channel
Setting Server Group so they can't remove it.
Setting up a server
Setting up Whisper Channels
Several Team Speak Programs Open At Once
Shift/CTRL click
Show changed Filetransfer-Port
Show group icons via php
Show user's permission group's name in chat
shows Failed to open plugin.
shutting down" while starting with NPL
Simple question is all avatars loaded by you
So I can't Join
So I cant hear anything on ts but people can hear me
Solution for NPL
Some can join
some help
some not! Really weird problem!
Some server groups cannot give other server groups
Some users can connect to SRV subdomain while other's cant!
Somebody totally screwed the permission system
Sound and speech came back into headphones with eco
Sound feedback/echo
Sound Input stops after about 10 minutes
Sound like it is coming out of a cave
Sound loss
Sound of other Applications is going dead after joining a server
Sound redirected through speakers
Sound won't work after joining a TS server
Soundbord instalation file is not working
Source Voice InGame
South African Flag
Spacer ━
Spacer with ━━━ shows spaces
Special SUBchannel access
Specific server group can join a channel
Split Servers on Screen
Sprummlbot - An lightweight multifunctional TS3 bot
SRV assistance
SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for "_ts3._udp.
SRV record for dedicated domain port is not working
SRV Records dont work
Stainless steel and burlap are even; everything else is down.
Star Wars Battlefront 2015 Theme
Started too many times - even after waiting 12 minutes
Starting Server on Windows boot up automatically
Starting Skype Causes TS to Lock on Connection Attempt
Starting Teamspeak on iOS will break Airplay connection.. why?
Startup script doesn't function on ubuntu 15.10
Static sound
Still Thinks VAD is enabled instead.
Stop idle kick in public server?
Str Wars Battlefront 2015 Theme
Strange crash when switching servers.
Strange issue....bleed?
Strange noise
Strange Problem using TeamSpeak when opening Games like CS:GO
Stream Channel Sound To .pls or .m3u?
subchannels group inheritance
SubDomain Trouble
Suddenly can't connect to server
Suddenly getting Failed to connect to server
suffered stroke after 'taking three Viagras'
Suggestion for TeamSpeak3 that would probably made teamspeak3 life easier :)
Suggestion: Channel Links
Suggestions about Server List
Support for WebP (at least in server banners)
Surround Sound Mic Question
Survival Knife with Sheath - $52.95 shipped
Survivalist fiction books for children 7-13
Suturing (any docs/medics?)
Switch Server Tab Text To Speech
Systems starts to lag after TS is launched
Tables are to small
Taskbar Wont Change
Tasker Integration / Disable Exit Prompt on Android
Taste test of Prem canned meat?
Taurus BLEM Savings @ KyGunCo
tcp query -> issue: delay between reply of lines
Teaching kids or just friends your job
Team Speak crashes while using Nvidia Shield Controller
Team speak V 3 Probelm
Team Speak V3 Problem
team Speak3
Teamspeak - Removed my token :l
Teamspeak "Channel" Join and Leave logging
teamspeak 2 server and client downloads
Teamspeak 3 - Server Process Freeze
Teamspeak 3 bash script
Teamspeak 3 cannot write to the configuration file
TeamSpeak 3 causes BSOD error
TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.18 released
TeamSpeak 3 Client has stopped working
Teamspeak 3 Client has stopped working at startup
TeamSpeak 3 Client keeps disconnecting
TeamSpeak 3 Client stops working..
TeamSpeak 3 DNS SRV records
Teamspeak 3 doesn't even start on my PC
Teamspeak 3 dropouts and difficulty reconnecting - I've tried everything!
TeamSpeak 3 failed to connect Server
Teamspeak 3 For xbox one?
Teamspeak 3 framework - viewer channel and clients
Teamspeak 3 has no volume (PICTURES INCLUDED :D) . Thanks in advance.
Teamspeak 3 Icons
TeamSpeak 3 keeps disconnecting. "could not find TSDNS server there"
Teamspeak 3 License Error?
Teamspeak 3 Mobile - Push to Talk (PTT) Compatible Hardware 2015
TeamSpeak 3 NOT starting
Teamspeak 3 Packet Loss
TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework
Teamspeak 3 PHP Framework - Give User Servergroup by IP
Teamspeak 3 problem server status 0/0 slots
Teamspeak 3 server
TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.12 released
TeamSpeak 3 Server released
Teamspeak 3 Server admin bug or so ??
Teamspeak 3 server manager (Web
TeamSpeak 3 Server not working on Local Host
Teamspeak 3 sound redirect
Teamspeak 3 stops working on start-up
TeamSpeak 3 Webinterface - serveradmin login
Teamspeak 3 won't open [64bit client]
Teamspeak keeps crashing
Teamspeak always in Full Screen
teamspeak app android bluetooth headset
Teamspeak as application lags
Teamspeak Audio Settings
Teamspeak blocking/muting sound from ETS2 ingame radio player
Teamspeak can't connect to certain servers
TeamSpeak causing FPS Spikes/Microstutters/Drops
Teamspeak checks trough IP if a player is connected to 2 ts3
TeamSpeak Client released
Teamspeak client won't start
Teamspeak Client crashes if i move users
Teamspeak Client crashing randomly since update 3.0.17 or high
TeamSpeak Client not starting - error
Teamspeak client not working properly with Logitech G633 headset
Teamspeak Configurable Encryption
Teamspeak constantly connecting and then losing connection
Teamspeak crash on me
Teamspeak crash since 3.0.18
Teamspeak crashes everytime I try to connect to a server
teamspeak crashes if i move users
Teamspeak crashes when I try to set an avatar
TeamSpeak Crashing
Teamspeak Crashing to desktop
TeamSpeak crashing when I put my headset in
Teamspeak Disconnects at random intervals for random times.
teamspeak doesn't recognize push to talk button while playing a game
TeamSpeak dropping out
TeamSpeak fails to start as it cannot find any ports!!!
TeamSpeak fails to start because it cannot find any port
Teamspeak first start slow
TeamSpeak for android wont start
Teamspeak ganks all system sound
TeamSpeak get's not displayed on Win 10
Teamspeak hosting issue
TeamSpeak interface
Teamspeak IP to Domain Name Change
Teamspeak issue - [Failed to connect to server: could not resolve hostname]
Teamspeak Keeps Crashing [PLEASE HELP]
teamspeak lagging/crash since update
teamspeak lights up background of webcam on stream of OBS
Teamspeak linux client jumps to foreground
Teamspeak makes clicking sound on audio
Teamspeak Memory Usage
Teamspeak Music bot/multiple instances help!
Teamspeak mutes my headphones when I log into World of Warcraft.
Teamspeak mutes other applications *Please Help*
Teamspeak needs to get rid of libmysqlclient15
Teamspeak Not Connecting to Servers All of a Sudden
TeamSpeak not supported on AndroidTV
Teamspeak On Playstation 4
Teamspeak permission question
TeamSpeak Plugin for Message's
Teamspeak Recording Bot
Teamspeak Resolution screwed up
Teamspeak resolves host name but does not connect.
Teamspeak server - Missing permissions?
Teamspeak server broken
Teamspeak Server Chrash
Teamspeak Server english improving
Teamspeak server error centOS
Teamspeak Server Group Modify Power BUG
TeamSpeak Server Hotfix released
Teamspeak server keeps crashing
Teamspeak server keeps shutting down
Teamspeak Server List Sorting
Teamspeak Server Not showing visitors in other rooms
Teamspeak server password not securing server
Teamspeak server shut down while pid is running
Teamspeak server slot questions
Teamspeak server status script
TeamSpeak simply not opening without any notice
teamspeak somehow makes other sounds sound weird.
Teamspeak Stuttering with flight simulators
Teamspeak v3.0.18 Client Freezing issue
Teamspeak volume in game
Teamspeak weird SRV Record problem
Teamspeak will not connect to ANY server.
TeamSpeak won't open on Windows 7
Teamspeak won"t start at all
Teamspeak Wont Open
Teamspeak3 Audio not working
TeamSpeak3 Can't connect to the server
Teamspeak3 client crashes (newsticker received for language)
Teamspeak3 Client not connecting to any servers?
Teamspeak3 not working/staying connected
Teamspeak3 Server-winrar 64 bit
Teamspeek port adding
TeasmSpeak 3 Server released
Telent server query issues
Telnet - Client - get talking user doesn't work
Telp with simple Lua script
Temporary Channel deletion delay
Temporary Channel deletion delay only 2 hours
Temporary channels at bottom/Under certain header
temporary password suggestion
TessusMod for Teamspeak3
Test Thread 2
test_plugin source
Text to speech within a video game for a person with a disability
TFR Crashing TS3
The icon for server group ... was not found. /filetransfer client not working
The problem with moving from SQLite to MySQL
The TSDNS server '' does not know '
themes etc.
Themes messed up after update
then change the description.
Thinking of leaving the 556 platform
Tick event and socket connection question
To ban problem
Toolbar Separator
tools etc to addon page
Toxic algae blooming off West Coast endangering marine life and forcing seafood bans
Transfer Channel and Groups to new Teamspeak 3 Server
Tristar L-120 Chrome 9mm 4.7" Barrel 17 Rnd - $299.99
Trojan disguised as Team Speak update
Trouble Connecting to Server
trouble uploading icons
Try to fix screechy/laggy voice by relogging
Trying to create 1 channel guests can join to 'request' permissions
Trying to make a White listing System
TS - Ban System
Ts 2
ts 3 icon problem
ts 3 icon problem (file input/output error)
TS app crashes when using CELT codec
TS Audio Question/ Problem
TS Client
TS Client crashes on startup since 3.0.17
TS crashes when using admin commands like Moving people
Ts dns srv
TS has AWFUL robotic noise.
TS lower volume of other people
TS not working with new headset?
TS prevents other programs from accessing the default playback device
TS Server Down (
TS sound not working
Ts wont open past a tab on my task bar
TS-3.0.18 Hotkeys on OSX are broken
Ts-Islam bot [Banner]
TS3 & Windows 10 - Client Not Displaying
TS3 freezing on open/close
TS3 64bit Humming noise
Ts3 and USB-Headset (Logitech G930) sound issues
TS3 and VPN services
ts3 and world of warship do not like each other.
TS3 blocking sound
TS3 Buzzing sound
TS3 can't connect Windows 10 home
TS3 causes my PC to freeze.
Ts3 Chooses a wrong font
TS3 Client blocking other HID on Win10x64
ts3 client SDK -> c# -> unity3D -> Android... no capture/playback devices
TS3 Console Application (Xbox & Play Station)
Ts3 Crash
TS3 crash on startup since 3.0.17
TS3 crashes to desktop after the program starts up
TS3 DNS Manage
TS3 doesn't work on Win7
TS3 Failed to connect to server error
tS3 finds no ports to use
TS3 generates sounds
TS3 Log Data Viewer - Detailed tables of your TeamSpeak3 server data.
TS3 Lost privilege key private LAN server
TS3 Main Memory (Ram) Usage Growing
TS3 mouse input lag
TS3 mutes music when someone speaks
TS3 Muting Fullscreen Programs (Newest Version) (Windows 10)
TS3 no longer responding upon connecting
TS3 on Raspberry Pi - Now possible!
TS3 only recognizing one password per household?
TS3 Overlay
TS3 overtaken and now blocked
TS3 permissions experts
TS3 Randomly stopped detecting my Mic and Speakers
TS3 SDK static libs
TS3 server bandwidth calculation
Ts3 Server Not Running
TS3 Server Performance
TS3 Sound Output not working over speakers
TS3 stays minimised in task bar
TS3 Stops Transmitting.....
TS3 upgrade to actual release.
TS3 upstart script and general setup for Debian based distro
TS3 V3.0.18.2 Sound problem
TS3 volume linked to system volume
Ts3 was unable to find a suitable audio device
TS3 WIN7 64 bit won't start
TS3ANetwork::Connect failed error: 10060
TS3ANetwork::Send failed error: 1 - (
TS3QueryLib.Net DeployServerSnapshot not working. Help me please.
TSDNS connection problem from different countries
TSDNS Server Error
Turtle Beach i30 bluetooth quality
Typo in Thread Name
UI freeze
Un-able to launch
Unable to access server groups
Unable to connect to a specific server.
Unable to connect to any teamspeak server after policy change
Unable to connect to one specific teamspeak server
Unable to Connect to our Clan Teamspeak
UNable to connect to server
Unable to connect to server (
Unable to Connect to Typefrag servers?
Unable to connet to server
unable to enter in some servers
Unable to find valid license key.
Unable to install Teamspeak 3 on Windows 8.1
Unable to load database plugin
Unable to Log into TS after being DDoS-ed
unable to move server admins to a new server group
Unable to use Binding when TS is selected (Win 10)
Unconnectable/maybe tsdns issue?
Unexpected crash from time to time.
Unidentified people in TS3
Unknow Error
Unknown Connection ""
unknown users
Unlimited transfer limit - "File transfer limit reached"
Update browser - how/ which one?
Update Not updating
Update Removed Teamspeak?
Update Server Query Manual to include -secondsempty
Updated - Personal files lost
Updated to server version 3.0.12 and server dies
Updater can not find mirrors
Upgrading 32bit TS to 64bit while keeping bookmarks?
Upgrading AAL License from 62 to 128 slots?
URL Parsing in kick or ban
US Military Is Rating TV Shows
USB MIC great quality in Audacity/SP/Windows
Use PHP framework for a shop for ranks ?
use soundboard etc.
Used car pricing... what in the world is going on?
User Hotkey Capture / Registration
User in channel to txt file query
User lagging on my server
Users can move and edit all channels
Users can still join the channel
users cannot see the server banner
Users will disconnect and then automatically reconnect
Using a links title versus making up a thread title
using different ports?
Using Query Port to Cause Crashing
Using sdk in Java
Using systemd to start teamspeak
Ver. 32-bit freezing if one or more channel have images in the description.
Very high ping out of nowhere.
Very hight packet loss
Victorious Gaming Community TS3 Theme
Video: TrackingPoint Smart Rifle Hacked
View Icons Error - file input/output error
Virtual Serverchat Disable
Voice Activation and Push-To-Talk
Voice Activation Channel
Voice Activation Is Not Working?
Voice and File Transfer IP's are Different
Voice data also encrypted when using smartphone TS3 client?
Voice delay - Direct sound
Voice is played trough headset while other programs play trough speaker.
voice modul 'Default Text to Speak' speaks terrible english (pronouncation)
Vpn block.
Walther Arms PPS Standard 9mm 3.2" 7+1 Poly Grips Black - $429.99 (Free S/H)
Walther PPS Standard 9mm 3.2" 7+1 Rnd from $429.99 shipped
Wan't to create safe Admin
Want guests to be able to create temporary channels in a spacer
Want to setup groups (moderators etc)
warning: script 'K01ts3server' missing LSB tags and overrides insserv
Washed out forum colours?
way to bring the channel group
Way to find myself in Channel Tree
Way too Much Echo
Webinterface (Problem?)
Weblist shows another IP than the IP i did use
Weird message from user
Weird voice issues
weird with TS
Welcome Back Sound
Welcome Message is not parsed correctly
What do numbers in permission mean.
What happened to my teamspeak?
What is a clipboard?
What is a teamspeak server?
what is going on with Teamspeak support?
What is it?
What is power and needed power and what is grant
What Is The Teamspeak Logo Font Called And Where Can I Get It?
What specs do Teamspeak 3 server have?
What to do about reporting malicious servers?
Whats a good Admin to normal ratio
When entering TS and in the Lobby
when i disconnect
When I join a server
when is a new version coming? (geolocation update)
When joining a server
When not to use a proxy or TOR
When running as admin Mouse button don't work!
When we click another users avatar we crash.
Where or how can i set Client Permissions
Which group has which talk power?
which other people can connect to.
Whispering AND 3D Sound? Common way?
White House criticized for not filling watchdog post at CIA
white screen square instead of the Video stream
Who can Setup my Server?
Who made that channel??????
Who to contact if i believe a a member of of teamspeak3 has gone against the rules?
Why can't my friends access my server?
Why does my Microphone cause my ping to jump?
why does the android version cost money while the PC version is free?
Why does the bass in my headset dissapear when i launch teamspeak?
why i cannot enter in this server?
Will I get an email when my application for NPL is rejected?
will smear the queer be banned in public?
Windows 10 - Mic will not cue up
Windows 10 prevents any joining of servers!!
Windows 10 problem with teamspeak 3
Windows 10 sound issues
windows 10 start menu and cortana not working when ts is opened
Windows 10 taskbar problem with teamspeak 3
Windows 10 Taskbar won't hide when being poked
Windows 10/ Fail To Connect To Sever
Windows 2008 server dns
windows 7 - windows 10 sound issues
Windows console & server shutdown question
Windows explorer stops working when running Ts3 in admin
Windows key for PTT in 3.0.17
Windows Keys no longer usable as hotkeys
Windows Server
Windows Server Connection Issues
Windows Server Issues
Windows tower wont let me on teamspeak server
Windows/Linux Discussion
Wishlist: "etherpad"-like interactive notepad integrated in Teamspeak
without the use of options Talk Needed Power
wonky question about finding teamspeak 3 servers.
Wordpress and Users
World of Warcraft sound problem.
Would VPS hold a TS3 server and a forum
Wrong country shown in client
Wrong TeamSpeak 3 Ip
Wrote a backup script for Linux
yet still banned
Yugo M70 AB2 Magpul Sling
Zenfone 5 crash when someone talking
Blog Archive
Cannot start server at all - Logs and core included
Teamspeak permission question
Teamspeak volume in game
Ban character in a front of nickname
Str Wars Battlefront 2015 Theme
On Todo Microphone redundancy (BT mode does use in...
Sound feedback/echo
Sound of other Applications is going dead after jo...
Chat partner disconnected out of view
Logging Feature in disabled?
No Bug Connection Lost
forgot my server password
Not Supported How to obtain someone's Avatar?
Not possible Selfe Expanding channels
Get channel ID from channel topic
Problem with Permission System
TS3 64bit Humming noise
TS3 mutes music when someone speaks
Clients can't 'receive' Icons.
Help Soundboard/Message error
Microphone redundancy
Bizarre connection problem
Can't launch exe Teamspeak -> A referral was retur...
Assistance with Admin rights
Automatic add a server to the favorite list ?
Teamspeak 3 Mobile - Push to Talk (PTT) Compatible...
[Client]Client crashes unregularly, Probl...
Official Teamspeak VPN Ban?
[request] Join channel button
Is it possible to create a Channel Group that prev...
Teamspeak 3 problem server status 0/0 slots
Teamspeak server error centOS
Not possible Server does not log switched channel.
How can I allow to assign i_client_max_idletime to...
Client Permissions are white
[MULTIGAMING ICON PACK v1.0 # 2015 x ts.gamerepubl...
Server Connection Issue.
SRV assistance
Not possible Channel expansion setting does not work
Channel hieding does not work!
How to be notified when local client start recordi...
Evaluation [Client] cosmetic issue, missi...
Issues in ts3 calls with around 5 people in +
User Hotkey Capture / Registration
Teamspeak Keeps Crashing [PLEASE HELP]
TS3 SDK static libs
Fail to connect to one server only
Non profit license with two Server
TS3 volume linked to system volume
Make capslock work again as PTT for v. 3.0.17+
SDK Examples for C#?
Banning all NON-ASCII chars in nicknames
[Request] ATHP Administration tools
Can't connect to any teamspeak server
Failed to Connect to server all of a sudden
My TS keeps crashing
Having trouble connecting to a specific server all...
Error when attempting to connect to my server
Cannot connect to servers after installing a new m...
TS3 crashes to desktop after the program starts up
Randomly cannot connect to any teamspeak server an...
Can't hear people after crash.
Administration tools
TS3 can't connect Windows 10 home
SDK Examples (Evaluation)
Not possible Do not see server GUI
Teamspeak "Channel" Join and Leave logging
Teamspeak Configurable Encryption
loading VirtualServer(1) failed to start, error: i...
Invalid sub power?
Not possible Checking if user is connected to othe...
Problem with ui
conflict between Teamspeak 3 and steam on Win10
[Request] Move to another channel
Cant get TS server to start on boot
How do I match a client ID with a user without dig...
[Request] Plugin for mass poke?
How to get current Identity?
Suggestion for TeamSpeak3 that would probably made...
Move to another channel
conflict between Teamspeak 3 and steam
Can't connect to server
Create Channe for World of Warcraft
need Help please!! cant get TS server to start on ...
Teamspeak Wont Open
Server launch but can't connect [Debian]
Can't connect on server
Crackling Sound while TS3 is open with my new G430...
SDK Examples (Evaluation)
Plugin of mass poke?
AVG killed my pc, ever since i cant connect to a s...
Error When Starting Server
NEW Teamspeak3 Webinterface is comming from First-...
add ts3 server to tsviewer without port
Server Custom ToolBar
OS X Client crashes random after some hours
Fourni par
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