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dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Well, i have alway's wondered why when you do
The symbols are spaced, but if you are in a second channel the second channel works.
The first channel you join, it seems to be like
Click image for larger version.  Name: 2015-11-15_14-19-40.png  Views: 1  Size: 2.5 KB  ID: 13172
But, if you are in a second channel with the same server version, and same user etc.
They show up as
Click image for larger version.  Name: 2015-11-15_14-20-42.png  Views: 1  Size: 1.9 KB  ID: 13173

Which is kindof.. odd.
Please fix this so my server properly works ;)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: 2015-11-15_14-20-42.png  Views: N/A  Size: 1.9 KB  ID: 13173   Click image for larger version.  Name: 2015-11-15_14-19-40.png  Views: N/A  Size: 2.5 KB  ID: 13172  
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