Multiple SRV Records for Redundancy

jeudi 20 août 2015

Hey all, I'm new to the forums, though I have been running a teamspeak server since TS2.

I was looking through the forums earlier and it looked like the TeamSpeak 3 client doesn't support SRV records properly. If there are multiple SRV records, with different priorities, and it can't connect to the first one, the client should then try to connect to the next SRV record.

I would really LOVE to have this feature, since if one server goes down for whatever reason, clients will automatically be reconnected to a backup redundant server. This would go a long way to ensuring much higher uptime, since a server may be down for any number of reasons.

Can someone let me know if this is in fact how the client works? Or, any suggestions on how I could go about achieving this kind of automatic redundancy for better uptime? If a dev reads this, could you let me know if adding this functionality is planned? It seems like a relatively easy feature to add, so if it isn't on the backlog, I would really recommend it.
Multiple SRV Records for Redundancy

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