Teamspeak weird SRV Record problem

lundi 5 octobre 2015

i added on a A record in my domain settings, and then made a SRV to assign teamspeak to that subdomain.

It works for some users.......but me and one other person cant connect. it says "unable to resolve".

Its still not working after 4 hours, while other users were able to connect a literarry minute after i added this record.

5 minutes ago i made a new A record and SRV record. i ONLY changed "ts" to "ts3" in the new A record, and in the SRV i made it to "_udp.ts3" instead of "_udp.ts".

This instantly worked for me. i could connect to teamspeak using but still does not work!

help would be great!
Teamspeak weird SRV Record problem

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