Admin rank can add/remove other admin but cant add/remove lower ranks

mardi 15 décembre 2015


I have created 2 admin ranks. One of them is "Admin" which I want to be a rank below "Server Admin".
The other is "Raid Admin" which I want to be a rank below "Admin".
Order Highest to Lowest would be:
1: Server Admin
2: Admin
3: Raid Admin

Admin can add/remove other Admin to server group Admin but the option to add/remove Raid Admin is greyed out.
Raid admin cannot add/remove any other rank as everything else is greyed out.

How can I make it so Admin can add/remove other Admin and Raid Admin? and make it so Raid Admin can add/remove other Raid Admin but not Admin?

I have searched around the forums and changed around i_group_needed and i_group_member add/remove permissions but nothing seems to work :(

Admin Permissions:
Click image for larger version.  Name: Admin permissions.JPG  Views: 3  Size: 24.7 KB  ID: 13330

Raid Admin Permissions:
Click image for larger version.  Name: Raid Admin permission.JPG  Views: 3  Size: 25.7 KB  ID: 13329

Any help would be greatly appreciated!:D:D
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: Admin permissions.JPG  Views: N/A  Size: 24.7 KB  ID: 13330   Click image for larger version.  Name: Raid Admin permission.JPG  Views: N/A  Size: 25.7 KB  ID: 13329  
Admin rank can add/remove other admin but cant add/remove lower ranks

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