Blue Yeti, Bad Mic Quality in TS3?

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Hi! I just bought the Blue Yeti Blackout and when i started up TeamSpeak 3 to go speak with my friends, they said that the quality of my voice was not very good, like not extremely bad, but pretty bad for someone who just payed $150 for a desktop USB mic. The mic sounds great when using the Windows "Listen to this device" feature, the quality is also fine in Audacity, it is just pretty bad in TeamSpeak 3, i have tried playing with the gain, Windows mic volume and the TeamSpeak settings to no avail. I dont know what to do right now :/

I bought this mic thinking the quality through TeamSpeak would be amazing, but i am kinda disappointed now, would be awesome if you guys could share your experience with the Blue Yeti in TeamSpeak :) And maybe tell me if you have had the same experience. As i wrote earlier, the quality is not horrendous, but not anywhere near as good as it sounds in Audacity or in other mic tests, or when plugging a headphones straight into the mic to listen to it for that matter.

// Vizuka
Blue Yeti, Bad Mic Quality in TS3?

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