Client says Speakers/Headphones Disabled Need help.

jeudi 20 août 2015

I've used teamspeak for 4-5 years and this is the first time i'm having this problem. It says "Speakers/Headphones Disabled" But people in the channel can hear me but i cant hear anyone. That is what my client looks like. I have no clue as to what is happening. When I talk my Bubble lights up and everything. Like I said. THey can hear me I cant hear them or any teamspeak sounds. I've tried multiple attempts to fix this issue by restarting computer, updating sound drivers, reinstalling Teamspeak, trying different headphones. And the headphones aren't broke either. Just bought them and they work with everything else. In that picture you can see my bubble lighting up but it still says speakers/headphones disabled. This is really getting on my nerves. If anyone has any Idea please feel free to give them. Thanks.
Client says Speakers/Headphones Disabled Need help.

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