Becoming an Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP)

mercredi 9 décembre 2015

I am looking at becoming an ATHP. I have one potential client with 150 slots and another that is less than 20.

With a $50 up-front application fee amortized over 12 months, along with tiered pricing which for me would 12 cents a slot, my fees along would be:

First Year
Application Fee Amortization: $4.17
Monthly License Fee: $24
First server slot license fee: $18
Second server slot license fee: $2.40
Total Monthly Costs paid to TS: $48.57

Second Year
Application Fee Amortization: $0
Monthly License Fee: $120
First server slot license fee: $18
Second server slot license fee: $2.40
Total Monthly Costs paid to TS: $140.40

I know the above costs make more sense when you're reselling to hundreds if not thousands of customers, but trying to do the math on how to break into this business. This also doesn't include co-lo and bandwidth costs.

Also, I do run a free/no charge server for one of my gaming clans with <32 slots, so I have a general idea on how to get a server up and running. From the pricing page:


ATHPs are billed on a monthly, recurring basis for the average monthly slot count configured on each virtual server. See this FAQ for more info.
Are those virtual servers that you rent from TS on their hardware which you then resell, or are they virtual servers that you install on your own hardware and then sell?

If on your own hardware, does the server installation have its own reporting built-in that then phones home to TS to generate the bill?

If on your own hardware, is it generally done with each virtual server having its own unique IP address, or a single IP separated by unique ports?

I have my own physical server located in a data center with backbone access and am looking for ways to monetize it. Any input would be appreciated.
Becoming an Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP)

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