unable to connect to server

vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Hi after playing around
i manage to ruin my server
the problem is that i cant connect to my TS-3 server

i have copied 2 log files 1 for m when the server worked
and 1 after the server got corrupted

2015-12-04 17:20:54.017849|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server (2014-12-15 14:43:52)
2015-12-04 17:20:54.033449|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | SystemInformation: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (7601) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit
2015-12-04 17:20:54.049049|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin name: SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2015-12-04 17:20:54.049049|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin version:
2015-12-04 17:20:54.080249|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | checking database integrity (may take a while)
2015-12-04 17:20:55.250251|WARNING |Accounting | | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
2015-12-04 17:20:58.573057|INFO | | | Puzzle precompute time: 3026
2015-12-04 17:20:58.573057|INFO |FileManager | | listening on
2015-12-04 17:20:58.885057|INFO |CIDRManager | | updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,
2015-12-04 17:20:58.885057|INFO |Query | | listening on

2014-04-05 09:19:55.416940|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server (2014-01-01 16:28:39)
2014-04-05 09:19:55.416940|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | SystemInformation: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (7601) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit
2014-04-05 09:19:55.463797|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin name: SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2014-04-05 09:19:55.463797|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin version: 3.7.3
2014-04-05 09:19:55.463797|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | checking database integrity (may take a while)
2014-04-05 09:19:55.838656|INFO |SQL | | db_CreateTables() tables created
2014-04-05 09:19:59.602859|WARNING |Accounting | | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
2014-04-05 09:20:02.164391|INFO | | | Puzzle precompute time: 2496
2014-04-05 09:20:02.164391|INFO |FileManager | | listening on
2014-04-05 09:20:02.367440|INFO |VirtualSvrMgr | | executing monthly interval
2014-04-05 09:20:02.367440|INFO |VirtualSvrMgr | | reset virtualserver traffic statistics
2014-04-05 09:20:05.991071|INFO |CIDRManager | | updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,
2014-04-05 09:20:05.991071|INFO |Query | | listening on
2014-04-05 09:29:33.866406|INFO |GetWanIP | | WAN ip: ((Removed))

i see a big diference in the files but dont know what to do
unable to connect to server

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