Constant Crashes

lundi 24 août 2015


I have sent about 5 or 6 crashdumps now, with that new semi automatic tool...
It never crashed on the old version and I mean "it never crashed" when I say that.

There is no data about the origin of the crash. It always crashes when I'm NOT there. I turn off my monitor at night, come back in the morning and I have to send the crash-report. There's no indication on my side what the problem can be.

It happens in the following conditions:
-When I'm not looking. (and ONLY when I'm not looking)
-Even on empty servers which get no other visitors.
-With and without other programs active, such as mIRC, steam, hamachi, daemon tools, DisplayFusion, Logitech Gaming Software. And so on. Even on a bare windows, this happens when I physically go away from keyboard for long periods of time.
-With and without Windows Aero view.

I'm running on:
Windows 7.1 Ultimate 64-bit
AMD Phenom II X2 B55 @3.2 GHZ
7.75 GB memory.
Multi-screen (3)
G510 macro-keyboard.

After each crash, I did my best to change as many variables on my system as possible. But it keeps crashing when I'm not looking.

Note: This problem forces me to downgrade. Can I please receive support with this?
All customers (despite this being free) will rage when there are constant crashes of a product.
Please be considerate and allow client-side downgrading at will.
This will create less quitters, more loyal users and a lot better image for you guys.
Constant Crashes

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