Error With LUa Plugins (MAssPoke)

lundi 19 octobre 2015

I have a problem with every mass poke lua plugin.

Tried maseehtools and Mass Control Module and when i try to use some funcion of the lua plugin it gives me the message like

= Mass Control Module Version 1.2 by Willy_Sunny =
Error running Lua function 'mp': http://...ent/plugins/lua_plugin/masscontrolmodule/masscontrol.lua:144: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

how can i fix that i think 90% of the users also have this problem. I searched entire forum and google and I couldn't find an answer for this.

Could someone help me please? I really neeeeed the mass poke.
Error With LUa Plugins (MAssPoke)

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