Okay, I have had it UP TO HERE with TeamSpeak wars.

dimanche 25 octobre 2015

A little bit of backstory:
I spend most of my on-line time with my buddies on a private, non-profit licensed TS server. We play games, cooperate on projects and just generally talk. The server that hosts our ts server is shared among the admins, mods and users for games, and the mentioned community projects, and everyone who uses the server's resources chips in to the monthly cost. We are a tightly-knit group, but we are open to new members of our small community, provided they follow general netiquette rules.

As I mentioned, the TS is non-profit. which means, that the entire endeavor is a net loss for us, ease of communication notwithstanding. If you're a new user on our server, you gain almost nothing from it. If you ask the admins, you get a rank, a private room if you need one and that's it. We have no paid premium functions (we can't - non-profit license!), no music bots, no nothing!

Ever since our TS server got a bit more popular (through word of mouth ONLY, mind you, we have zero ability or desire to advertise), users from other TS servers join our own, spam messages that our server is shutting down, provide their address or ip, and shortly after, our TS gets DDoSed into oblivion (thank god for our provider's protection).

When we at one time went over to the other TS to ask about such actions, they told us that they're jealous that we don't pay for our license. Then we all got banned on their TS. History repeats itself every time.

This is mostly just a rant/steam-venting post, the TS support crew will be receiving an email with proof (logs, message screenshots, ip addresses, even UUIDs of the culprits) shortly.

Seroiusly, sometimes I wish I was Elliot Alderson.
Okay, I have had it UP TO HERE with TeamSpeak wars.

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