changing banner script

lundi 25 janvier 2016

Hello all,

I wanted to create a banner that would change every so often for my Clan that was easy to update and could be set to a static image easily,
so I created this little php script.

What it does:
  • Randomly selects a .jpg from a folder and displays it
  • if banner.jpg exists in the same directory as the script, display it instead

I have also included a .htaccess file to allow redirects from banner.jpg to index.php (this is so teamspeak will actually use the script for the banner, but it requires apache's mod_rewrite)

How to use:
  • install index.php and .htaccess into directory on your webserver
  • create a folder called images and fill it with your banners
  • point your teamspeak servers banner gfx to http://<webserver url or ip>/<folder>/banner.jpg
  • set an update interval (I think 60 is minimum, but its in seconds)
  • test it, and if it works, your done!
  • if it is not, make sure your hosting has "AllowOverride all" set and mod_rewrite enabled

Please note: this is licensed under GPLv3.
I welcome your suggestions
Attached Files
changing banner script

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